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How much do you get approached?

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As a fairly decent looking, friendly male, I get approached with a romantic interest/undertone, ALMOST NEVER, and, get approached for random conversations and for other non-romatic reasons fairly often by females/males of all aspects of life.


When I lived in Houston, I would get approached almost every time I was out from people looking for money, rather than for conversation. :laugh:

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I get approached on average 0 times a week.


Aside from my ex, 0 women have shown interest in me in the past six months.


Though when I was in salsa class from Jan to May, I had a few bigger girls give me a little more attention than I was comfortable with.

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I get looked at almost every time I go out. At least one man will stare me down, but won't speak to me. Likewise, majority of the time I might get a passing comment, a stare and a "hello how are you" and usually I will say "I'm fine thank you" and keep walking. Most of these men are men I would never be interested in. Actual approach and conversations are less but it depends on the week. But say I went out everyday for a week, maybe the average would be conservatively about twice a week I would get approached and chatted about. But the staring, passing comment or greeting but I walk away before it can continue is most common.

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Depends on where I go that week. I.usually get approached at the bar, which I get out to once a month really. I get hit on the most at walgreens or the gas station (eww).

On average a couple times a week by men and sometimes women who I have zero interest in.


The amount of times someone checks me out is creepily high, and usually done in an awkward fashion lol.

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Checked out all the time. Approached less often. Not quite just several times a year, but maybe 1 out of 20 guys who checks me out will approach me.


In club it means usually once or twice per night, but sometimes not al all.

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Once every few months, someone will approach. It's usually in stores, like the grocery store or the bookstore.


But people seem to always ask me for help/directions. My record is four different people in a time frame of 5 minutes (until my train arrived). It was a very full platform, they could ask someone else. I think I should work there!

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At least once a day in the most random places--parking garages, gas stations, grocery stores, the library, restaurants, elevators, etc. Generally by guys I wouldn't think would be interested in me and more often than not, when I'm not particularly attractive (e.g. coming from a workout wearing ratty clothes or running errands very early in the morning praying I don't run into anyone I know because of the way I'm dressed:o).

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I get looked at all the time and sometimes literally turn heads, but I am almost never approached. Maybe 2 or 3 times in the last year, and never by someone who interested me at all. I don't really understand, to be honest-- I'm asked for directions and things allll the time, and have good friendly-acquaintance level relations with my regular cashiers and baristas, so I must come across as fairly nice and friendly to people in general.... just not to men who think I'm cute, I guess?

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Inability to type properly
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Up to the age of 35 or so, checked out a lot but actually asked out only a couple times a week. Since turning 50 checked out a lot less but actually asked out by a higher percent of men. Older guys are usually less inhibited and more confident.


Older men are also socially adept. Usually more an invitation to come along on a hike with friends, go with a meet up group to an event. Its more like a gentle nudge towards getting to know each other in a social situation.. Less pressure and giving room for a polite decline without rejection.


When I was younger, I would feel bad for guys because they were more blatant in their approach and often made both of us feel awkward. If not known to a woman, they'd make the mistake of asking for a date or one on one time. Better to steer a woman towards some activity.


My daughter puts the buds in the ears and is often fiddling were her cell phone. She is very pretty and her strategy is avoidance.

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The last time I can remember getting approached was years ago at a college dance with kegs of beer in every corner. I do notice women glancing at me sometimes. I do notice when they lock eyes with me and smile, but they do not approach.


Being a bit on the shy side, and trying to learn how to overcome it, means those tiny signals were normally ignored. Slowly, I am gaining enough confidence to wander over and say “hello” when someone locks eyes and smiles, but it is still not a comfortable feeling for me.

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Depends where I am, and how I feel. Id say on an average about every 2 weeks. More when I go away to conferences.


The approach is always fairly obscure though, which i find cute:) I always admire the balls a man has that approaches a woman, I know its not easy to do, and even when I'm not interested, i always let him down gracefully, and hopefully left feeling better about himself.

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