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reconnecting with girl; what to say?


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Hello people,



There's a girl I met about eight months ago. I briefly got to know her. I was interested in her, she knew I liked her, but admittedly it was a bad time for me, I was getting through some difficulties, I didn't have much going for me, I was boring. I was maybe a bit weird because I liked her. A lot has changed for me since, and just yesterday I caught myself thinking about her, wondering what she's up to and how she's been. I have an overwhelming feeling of wanting to email her, except I just don't know what to say. I'll ask how she's been and what brought her to mind as it was an activity I know is a passion of hers. I'm trying to figure out if I should express or explain anything? I can't think of a forward looking statement. I don't expect anything really, but I don't want to be a stranger to her.




Many thanks for any tips.

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is she on facebook? maybe start with a friend request?


I believe she is a big user. I don't have an account. I'd rather send a note, progress to a casual coffee.

Edited by mrcoldfeet
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"Hope you had a good Christmas and wanted to wish you a happy new year." Then maybe ask how she has been or how her holidays have been? I've had guys pop up around new year's like that.

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