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Women...do you chase men you really like a lot??

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I wouldn't say I've chased. I've made my interest known well in advance. If there wasn't any interest from the man at the time I shared my intentions, I didn't pursue any form of relationship.

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I also wouldn't say "chase" -


More like, you make it obvious that that particular man, amongst those pursuing you, is the one that you would like to entertain more possibilities with.

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This thread has become sidetracked, so I will put it back on course:


Her ex is showing some serious stalker-esque tendencies, like showing up at her job/apartment and calling several times a day. He simply won't take 'no' for an answer, and she can't talk to his parents or his friends because they are taking his side. He has somehow convinced his parents and buddies that he is the victim in all of this. I really am concerned for her well-being at this point because his irrational behavior is starting to spiral out of control. Do any of you think that a protective order/restraining order may be the only option left if he doesn't leave her alone?

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Originally posted by blind_otter

I also wouldn't say "chase" -


More like, you make it obvious that that particular man, amongst those pursuing you, is the one that you would like to entertain more possibilities with.


well the word 'chase' is used loosely here. it could be just being more assertive or letting your intentions be known over a period of time, initiating dates. Asking a guy out first. etc......


I have had women run after me and so have most of the men I know. But, of course, the woman has to really be into him a lot for it to happen.


My little bro is a physician in Chicago and he has tons of women chasing him all the time. At any point in time he has 5 or 10 women interested in him and most of the agressive pursue him.

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I did a lot of chasing. Suffice it to say I had a lot of heartbreak. Luckily my husband and I met sort of halfway as we were starting to chase each other. ;)

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I did my share of (misguided) chasing as well. Even when I knew the answer was no, I'd still harbor hope. And by hope, I don't mean anything stalker-like!


With my current b/f there wasn't much of a chase. He said he wanted to hang out, I thought he was kind of cute, and instinct took over after that. :love::love::love:

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