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2013: so what have you learned this year?

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Hi and Happy new year!!


So 2013 is drawing to a close and for me it has had its ups and downs, so what lessons have u learned this year?

well I've learned in no particular order:


> its not worth trying a relationship with a work colleague, especially a few years older. its not worth the hassle.

> crushes on friends can be painful and tricky to deal with :(

> don't jump to conclusions and get your hopes up too much, it only hurts more when it falls apart.

> online dating has been a strange, frustrating and disappointing experience.

> don't get involved with two-faced nonsense and badmouthing at work even with the best interests in mind, because it will come back twice as hard back on you, and your friends will surprise you how quickly they turn.

> in order for me to find someone i must get right out of my comfort zone and try new things and options. love won't finding by sitting around waiting for it.


so what have you learned?

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Happy new year :D


- I learned that I can work 9 hours daily, have 3 hour daily class, spend daily 2 hours on the road and study at least 2 hours a day, for 11 months, without collapsing.

- I learned that in the 12th month the stress can make your eyes tick and delay your period for the next three months.

- I learned what abuse in the workplace is.

- I learned that there is nothing more rewarding than mentoring people and have them sincerely thanking you.

- I am sure now that I will never, ever be able to forgive infidelity.

- I learned that I should not do the same thing over and over and expecting a different result (thanks for the enlightment, Einstein).

- I learned that stretching is very important for my well being.

- I discovered that I can wear mid calf boots!

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2013 was a get-back-on-track year after several years of ground-shaking events that continually rocked my world. Through it all I learned that:


--> Whatever is getting ready to come at me next, God will get me through it. He has always come through for me, without fail, even when I've failed Him. It's been an intense, bewildering, and humbling experience.


--> An attitude of gratitude will get me a lot further than grousing and navel-gazing will.


--> Never never never never NEVER give up. Ever!


Happy New Year!!!!

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The most important thing I have learned:


I can trust my intuition -- so if I feel there is something wrong, I will no longer ignore it and tell myself that I am maybe overcautious, but watch out for red flags instead, and if I notice some get out of there as fast as I could.

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that all i am ever going to be is sidepiece, bootycall, placeholder material. might as well just accept it. :(

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-Care less about dating outcomes


-You can't depend on people for anything. If you want/need something done, do it yourself.

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I learned a few things myself!


- Women want to date guys who have their own house or at least roommates instead of good old mummy :laugh:


- A good physique is always appreciated so GET ONE!


- Sometimes you have to risk being seen as creepy - fortune favors the bold.

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Eternal Sunshine

Not much except that the luck when it comes to dating is not on my side. Every year I hope it will turn around but nope, just doesn't happen.

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That my parents are not going to live forever and that I have been living life in a pretty selfish manner.


That probably a whole lot of my thought process concerning women is wrong because it is laregly built from bad experiences that I shouldn't blame all womenkind for.


That I really don't know wtf I am doing, have a lot of stuff to unlearn and I should really really really start trying instead of being content with what I have been doing and how it always comes up short, but that's OK, because theres always the next time.

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Eternal Sunshine
That my parents are not going to live forever and that I have been living life in a pretty selfish manner.


That probably a whole lot of my thought process concerning women is wrong because it is laregly built from bad experiences that I shouldn't blame all womenkind for.


That I really don't know wtf I am doing, have a lot of stuff to unlearn and I should really really really start trying instead of being content with what I have been doing and how it always comes up short, but that's OK, because theres always the next time.


Pretty much all this. Also that focusing on not having romantic love was making me miserable. There are different types of love (family and friends) which I completely took for granted.

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Charlie Harper

Holy cow, 2013 has been easily the most enlightening and chaotic year of my life....


In no particular order:


Turned 50

Was evicted from my own house by my abusive wife, did not coma back for 5 weeks, she begged me to return.

Was accused of having sex with Cruella Devil ( a gold digger with no morals, and the mother of my son´s girlfriend ...go figure)

Had the most interesting 5 weeks of my last 5 years, tons of friends came out to help me, old female friends reconnected and offered all kind of support.

I found out that my A partner was not really willing to divorce, even if both of us were crazy in love with a very healthy relationship, but Fear won the best of her and went no contact (now its been 9 months NC)

I discovered in this 2013 I was stronger that I ever though, and although loosing her was as nails on my balls I went n.c and now I am a lot better.

I traveled a lot

I had tons of dates with fiends a women I met, I aven had days with 2 or 3 dates the same day...it was a lot of fun.

Tried to make my marriage work, but discovered my wife has not loved me really for a decade.

Now I have 2 groups of women and they always invite me and have lots of fun..... my male friends always ask me how did I pull that....since they see my pics on FB with 10 other women having fun...

I discovered the power of being honest, the power of speaking your mind and not trying to control anyone.

I discovered that some of my closest friends have Cancer and I can be very supportive and help them emotionally and in small details, I t makes me feel useful and loving.

2013 showed me that NOBODY WILL MAKE ME HAPPY BUT MYSELF. THAT I CANT CONTROL ANYTHING BUT MYSELF, and the only thing I have is my heart, my integrity and my desire to learn and grow, everything else is superficial....


I am happy for the 2014 since I think this year my separation will be definitive, and Ill be able to put more of my plans to work. The incredible part is that I don't have a lover, and I don't feel desperate or in need for "someone".


My best wishes to the LS community....

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And another one:


A woman can suddenly lose all feelings for you and abruptly end a relationship even when things seem to be going perfectly fine.

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And another one:


A woman can suddenly lose all feelings for you and abruptly end a relationship even when things seem to be going perfectly fine.




I learned that it's hard for me to find a guy who is faithful. Every guy it's the same thing. I've thought maybe it was better if I had just taken my first ex back. Our relationship was dysfunctional but stable.


I learned dont chase a guy. If a guy likes you you won't have to make him call or make him make time for you.

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Despite what other guys might be going through I have a truly great woman and I need to reward her for how she treats me


The Jersey Shore I have known and loved for all these years is pretty much gone and it is time to move on. I have mourned what once was and I accept it.

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