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Can I post things about me and my ex without being put down?

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I really don't think people are putting you down. There may be some criticism of your behavior. I personally think you are going about this all wrong...but I also respect that you are there in person and therefore best able to make decisions for your life. You have that absolute right.


As a matter of fact, I wouldn't have it any other way.


But everyone here is entitled to their opinion of your behavior if you put your situation out here for scrutiny. People aren't here to write what you want to see or hear. Actually, I have found the best part of what people have written to you be very helpful if you followed it. You have chosen not to and that's fine. Won't put you down at all for living your life exactly as you wish. Matter of fact, it would be insane to follow stranger's advice you didn't believe was good for you. But you should print it out and see just how helpful it may have been if you had followed it. Read it, say, six months from now.


So, again, nobody is putting you down. If we passed you on the street tomorrow we would not even know it. But many may find your conduct in this situation unproductive. Yes, it all may be rosey now...and frankly I pray for you that it works out.


The bottom line is every man, everywhere in the world, must ultimately make his own way and learn his own lessons.


I encourage you to post here often and not to take people's comments personally. Frankly, we feel great affection for you or we wouldn't waste the time to feel so strongly about what you're doing. You should be rather flattered that there is a place on the web where people really do care enough to kick your butt.


So don't take this personally. We are not here to make you feel good or bad, to bash you or praise you...just to tell you like we see it and feel it. I'm sure you would have it no other way.


Sugar coating is for M&Ms!!!

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I too have read your posts. Your going through a tough time. People have been trying to give you advice based on history. Your situation is not nearly as unique as you think.


The truth hurts sometimes. When people tell us what we don't want to hear, we get mad. I sense that you know the advice you've been given is well founded, and that's why it's bothering you so much.


If things were REALLY moving along with your ex, you wouldn't be here. Your still hanging on to some false hopes I think. Your trying to prove everyone on the forum wrong. More times than not, their right.


Maybe in some sense you feel that by continuing your saga on the forum, you are continuing your past relationship, I don't know.


Good luck in getting her back man, I'm pulling for you. Listen to Tony though, you need to be a MAN now.

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I know that you guys are simply trying to help and I appreciate you guys for that. However, under these circumstances, she told me the other day that she would like to get back together and still thinks about me all the time. That is why I invited her to go do something.


Also, I have not been the only one contacting her. It has been a mutual communication now and we have both been talking about being friends and getting back together. It is not just me doing the talking.


I am sorry that I go upset about a few things, but when people say that you are hopeless and a waste, it tends to piss me off. I have just been trying to express what is going on and what is going on is good because I have talked to her and she feels the same way that I do.


She means so much to me, I just couldn't let her slip out of my life. I knew that she feels the same as me and we might be trying to make things up now. I am glad that I didn't listen to you guys because now I am slowly seeing what I have worked so hard for is paying off.


I am going to post something else about our recent situation. Just let me know what you think.



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