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Why it's hard for Short Guys to just gain confidence.

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So youre saying short men arent allowed to have any preferences and should be grateful for any female whos attracted to them?


Well it might be ironic if he is rejecting girls for things that are out of their control like how big their eyes are or something.

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I never got the height memo. I don't care whether my man is short. Last boyfriend was about OP's height. I'm 5'3. Never even noticed, until my friend suggested I wear flats.

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Well it might be ironic if he is rejecting girls for things that are out of their control like how big their eyes are or something.


Ive never heard of that but uhh ok..Even people who are wiling to date short men are patronizing acting like short men should just be thankful somebodies attracted to them

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Well it might be ironic if he is rejecting girls for things that are out of their control like how big their eyes are or something.


I've only rejected a girl once in my life.

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It just seems like a convenient excuse for even fat women to dismiss short men.


People get on men all the time saying you need to be confident yet women can be insecure as hell and not date a man over a pair of heels making her near his height.


Its one thign to do it when youre younger but some of these owmen are in their 30's 40's and 50's when does the vanity end for women?


It isn't them, it's me. If I didn't feel so overweight, I would and have dated men shorter than I am.

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Ive never heard of that but uhh ok..Even people who are wiling to date short men are patronizing acting like short men should just be thankful somebodies attracted to them


Big eyes are a thing in Asia. Anyway op I have been called ugly behind my back but my bf is super attracted to me. It doesn't matter how most girls are. All it matters is that the one who matters is attracted to you. I think women who prioritize things like compassion instead of how good they look would be less likely to judge a guy based on height.

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Big eyes are a thing in Asia. Anyway op I have been called ugly behind my back but my bf is super attracted to me. It doesn't matter how most girls are. All it matters is that the one who matters is attracted to you. I think women who prioritize things like compassion instead of how good they look would be less likely to judge a guy based on height.


So short men should should only go after women who arent all that attractive or into looking good


Also saying women who have "compassion" makes short men sound like charity cases

Edited by AD1980
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So short men should should only go after women who arent all that attractive or into looking good


Also saying women who have "compassion" makes short men sound like charity cases


You are reading too much into what I said. All I am trying to say is that if one does not like others acting superficially towards oneself then try to date people who are not superficial. Also I don't think I am ugly. I am ugly to some, attractive to some and average to some.

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Height only matters if you allow it to. Fact. I knew a kid in high school was short. Around your height.


HE was also ugly. He was also poor. Not dirt poor or anything, but his mom was addicted to drugs. Serious.


When girls first met him they would say things like "eww" talk crap behind his back. Call him a gremlin. Etc... But after talking to him for about ten minutes? Every girl had a huge crush on the dude. He literally had girls giving him bjs after school on a daily basis. Girls from every year crushed on him and we were freshman. Till this day he still gets girls. He goes out with some soccer playing chick who looks like a model and is like 5'10. And no he never got taller. She is WAY TALLER than him. But he never let it bother him so it doesn't both her either.


Moral of the story is? Be confident in you and people will want to be around you.


Some girls (especially tall ones) don't like short guys. But average female height is 5'4. That means there are plenty of girls below that height who will like you fine. I know plenty of petite girls who PREFER short men.


When people talk schit about short guys its not just the height they are referring too. Its the ATTITUDE, the BITTERNESS, and the LOW SELF ESTEEM. Those three things will keep more girls away then your height ever could. Learn to be happy and easy going with you. Nobody likes a short man with a short temper. Or a short man who constantly seeks validation.

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When people talk schit about short guys its not just the height they are referring too. Its the ATTITUDE, the BITTERNESS, and the LOW SELF ESTEEM. Those three things will keep more girls away then your height ever could. Learn to be happy and easy going with you. Nobody likes a short man with a short temper. Or a short man who constantly seeks validation.


That stuff annoys me whenever a short guys a prick its because hes short


How about hes a prick because some people short tall medium black white yellow brown are pricks?


Just replace short guy with black or something else and see how bad it sounds yet grouping the majority of short men into one category is somehow ok

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If you gave me the same guy a foot taller, I honestly don't think I would have been interested. I still might have been facially attracted to him, but one of the number one reasons I asked him out was because of how he carries himself.


I don't know you married2school, but I have a hard time believing this. If a guy a foot taller were available and was the same as your shorter boyfriend, you would go with your shorter boyfriend??? So, they're not quite the same then?

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So short men should should only go after women who arent all that attractive or into looking good


What?!?! The heck with that! :) I always go after the most attractive woman I can find. I'm dating one hot woman now. This is not sound advice.

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I don't know you married2school, but I have a hard time believing this. If a guy a foot taller were available and was the same as your shorter boyfriend, you would go with your shorter boyfriend??? So, they're not quite the same then?


Sorry, I think part of my point got lost somewhere between quoting MrCastle's post and being slightly vague in what I said. I think what I was going for was if he was tall and didn't carry himself the same, I wouldn't be interested. Versus him being shorter and how he actually carries himself - because how he is as a person is the number one reason I asked him out. His height was a non factor in whether or not I would ask him out.


That being said… I have dated taller guys and shorter guys, and I think I said this in a previous post - now that we're dating, I actually really like that he's only a tad bit taller than me. I like being able to talk and walk next to him and look right over and actually be looking at his face, not his arm or something. I can steal kisses whenever I want. :o I like all the cute advantages him being shorter gives me. If he was taller, I could also probably produce some sort of list about what I liked about him being tall. Because the fact of the matter is - I like him regardless.

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So youre saying short men arent allowed to have any preferences and should be grateful for any female whos attracted to them?


I was joking because of all the whining and overgeneralizing in this thread.


I mean, jeez, I'm seeing short men being painted as these undatable trolls - and yet they turn down the interest of a relatively attractive woman.


But o.k. - this thread has convinced me. Short guys are gross and unappealing and no sane female would be attracted to one unless he has some huge positive in his favor, which most won't. You can win the argument. Do you prefer that? Arguing for limitations?

Edited by lollipopspot
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I'm short (5'5") and was in a 5 year relationship with a rather attractive female. It ended almost a year ago but it had nothing to do with my height, she was just kinda mean lol. Anyway, sure it's more difficult for us but that's part of the thrill involved. Everybody loves a good chase right? You just need to step your game up a bit. Go to the gym, do yoga, dress well and get yourself a little bit of a tan, nothing crazy though. Start working on yourself and women will notice you more.


You need to start asking yourself what you actually do to stand out from the pack? Tall or short women want a man who's got the confidence to do his own thing instead of follow everybody else.

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Salvatore- for a minute I thought you were my ex lol. His name is Sal, he's short and happens to have a tattoo sleeve also. If your username was 88 instead of 85 my heart would've stopped beating!

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I'm a pretty weak 5'9 and was the shortest out of the males in my social circle of years gone by. But I would say my looks were very decent, although I sadly put on a lot of weight due to medication issues.


It sure doesn't help me with hookups being my height and Caucasian, but there are worse things in life and I have a good skill set and an excellent memory which I believe will help me in the long run.

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Good luck man I'm 5'6 but never had a problem with girls. Hopefully you find a nice one out there that likes you for you.


If it makes you feel any better by current GF was a tall guy queen, wouldn't even go out with a guy that was near her height she's 5'6 also. However I met her and got to know her and she fell for me bro, short height and everything and now we are going on 4 years strong. So don't give up, stay looking fit, get that six pack and you're gonna be able to offer them other stuff other than height.


Good luck.

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us short guys are at a disadvantage in the dating world, try being 5'7 in an area where there might be 1 girl to every 5 guys. I hope whoever came up with the idea of tall, dark, and handsome died a slow painful death.

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Here are some informative numbers about height in various races of men...when we talk about short. These charts are nice because they show the variance with age and the standard deviations as well as the mean value.


Mens average height chart

The average height of a white man in the US is about 5'10" +/- 1.5". A white man from 5'8.5" to 5'11.5" is average.

Average womens height chart

For the white women it is...5'4" +/- 2".


So a simply low-average height white man is taller than 98.8% of white women. It is said that women prefer a height difference of eight inches. (The height of romance: Women want partners who are 8in taller than them but men prefer a gap of just 3in | Mail Online). That is where the magic 6' or taller idea comes in.


The thing is perception makes reality. If you are a 5'8" man you are taller than most women by so much that you will look 6' to them. Only on OLD where people declare height's does this become an issue.



For black men the average is 5'9.5" +/- 2.5" So a black man from 6' to 5'7" is average. The womens height is similar to that for white women.


Mens height chart for Hispanic race/ethnicity

For hispanic men the average is 5'7" +/- 2"

The womens height is about 5'2" +/- 2"


The answer for some of my white brothers here may be to target Hispanic women since at 5'8" you will seem towering to them.



Tall guys are supposedly "protectors". Women who think that have obviously never seen how protective a 6'-6" gymrat is when faced with the business end of a .40 S&W.



Yeah the thing is the "protector" instinct that they refer to hasn't been valid since the bow and arrow, or even the throwing spear were invented. Even then all a man next to a woman can do when hungry Lion attacks is provide an appetizer. Look at it like this. It's their loss if they will not choose you over some artificial height requirement.

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Look at it like this. It's their loss if they will not choose you over some artificial height requirement.



Yeah it's their loss alright.


They lost time rejecting you, gaining self esteem in the process.


Yeah they lost out when this further proves to themselves how awesome they are cause they got people to reject.


Meanwhile the short guy rationalizes to himself that he wasn't, no it COULDN'T BE that he was found to be personally annoying because of a physical trait

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