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Is it this hard for all fat women or just me??

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That's a good start. I personally don't like to impress women with tangible items. I rather put that aside and impress them in bed in order to have them coming back for more. Chicks dig confidence and perhaps a bit of cockiness. This is probably one of my most memorable nights. I friend of mind invited me to this club, he was meeting with some of his coworkers to have a few drinks. So I joined them but was bored, I wanted action. So I migrated to the dance floor, then the bar and somehow struck up a conversation with these two gorgeous chicks. Before I knew it we were playing some ridiculous game that I literally made up in 2 seconds. My price was, if I won they would buy me a drink, so I did and got my drink. I kept them both entertaining, nice conversation and at the end of the night I walked out with them, one on each side holding my arm. To make the long story short we ended up in one of their apartment and the night ended well to say the least. Chicks want someone out of the ordinary. Do you know how many times they get approached in one day by idiots and their stupid lines? none of those generic lines work, there is no such thing as a pick up line, all you have to do is be spontaneous, unique, and exciting, oh and make them laugh as well.


Sure good points, I might try that. If im good in bed, she will come back. Especially if I give hear a good time ;). I do like it rough. On the drink wise, I dont drink alcohol anymore so it might be a bit hard for me to start a random game.

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What do people think? I did a search and didn't see anything about fat dating, etc.


It's because girls lack the fat burning hormone: testosterone.

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I would love to have sex with a nice fat girl. She would a nice booty and just be so hot and cute. She could ride me all night. :cool:;).

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i really dislike the "at least you can lose the weight".


it really doesnt work that way or else there wouldn't be fat people left in this world, you know


Admittedly there are disorders that prevent people from losing weight as quickly as others or losing it period.


But if you put in effort, you can slim down. Maybe at a slower pace, but you can slim down.


What SD is getting at is there are no natural ways to get taller. You can't get taller by exercising or making lifestyle changes.

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Don't pressure yourself into anything. A friend of mine doesn't have the "best" figure either (though that is a term that can varify from culture and time; let's just say she's not one of those toilet paper-swallowing skinny models) and has found love just 2 months ago. :)


And now that I read that you're loosing some weight; don't do it if it isn't for the goal to be happier. I've never been overweight nor obese in any form, but me starting active sport was caused by the desire to do it. But forcing yourself on diets just to find someone might cause more harm than good.

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U don't need to change for anyone except yourself. I personally really adore and love heathy curvy women who are can rock those curves.

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I would love to have sex with a nice fat girl. She would a nice booty and just be so hot and cute. She could ride me all night. :cool:;).



Hey more cushion for the pushing. Like I said, I've only been with one "overweight" woman in my entire life. It was a bit of a workout I must admit but worked out nicely. I think the fact that I'm a pretty fit guy helped as well.

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if everyone was the same shape and size, the world would be a boring place in my opinion, and yes i like curvy women just as much as skinny women.

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I was thin up until I got older and I can tell you now I'm fat, I am invisible to all men now..


I work with a woman who, after her divorce, gained fifty pounds because she said she knew it would turn men off and she didn't want anything to do with men for the rest of her life.

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I work with a woman who, after her divorce, gained fifty pounds because she said she knew it would turn men off and she didn't want anything to do with men for the rest of her life.



Women have a very interesting way of thinking.

A bit off topic but this is along the lines of the usual "I hate men!"

I've been "wronged" by women as well but I don't think I've heard myself say "I hate women!!!" matter of fact I love women, what would I do without them. lol :)

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Hey more cushion for the pushing. Like I said, I've only been with one "overweight" woman in my entire life. It was a bit of a workout I must admit but worked out nicely. I think the fact that I'm a pretty fit guy helped as well.

Nicely put :). I dont mind the workout, Sex is always good for reliving stress and just makes u a bit happier with the release of endorphin


Personally would use positions that put her control. Makes her feel better or more rear entry etc positions. I am pretty fit guy just a little chubby so I don't mind it. All women need love

Edited by kart180
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Eternal Sunshine

By losing weight you greatly expand your dating pool. I don't see why you wouldn't want to do that. Not to mention all the health benefits.

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