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I found B12 orally appeared to help with energy, increasing it, particularly during times of stress. My supposition was that the hormones excreted when I was stressed somehow inhibited uptake of essential nutrients *or* I was unknowingly changing my nutrition habits (likely!) and wasn't getting enough B-vitamin naturally through diet.


These days, most recently when sick from a cold virus and feeling 'low', taking the B12 seemed to 'perk up' things and clear out some of the 'fog' of feeling sick. Perhaps some of that is psychological, e.g. the 'placebo effect', and some is actually physical. IDK.

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I've seen a lot of people on here mention that they take B Vitamins, do they actually help?


It really depends on if you need them.


I have gluten intolerance and discovered recently how severe and long standing my deficiency has been, and how little I was able to absorb from oral supplements, and so right now I am receiving injections.


1 b complex a day though should be more than enough if you don't have digestive issues.


However let me tell you that a severe and long standing defiency in this stuff is a nightmare you don't want to get yourself in.


Hope this helps answer your question.

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I have a B12 deficiency so I have monthly B12 shots and it makes me feel so much better energy wise and also rids of body aches and chills.

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B vitamins have to be taken in balance together. Trader Joe's sells a combo of them in a little plastic jar. Inexpensive.

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