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Sister in law talking with my ex wife


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I just found out today my brothers wife has had on going communication with my ex wife. I've been divorced for 2 years, and have had a rocky relationship with my brother and his wife for about the same time. My sis-n-law calls to check on my son who is 4 as well. It just seems shady to me since I'm just finding out about this. Am I overreacting?

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I just found out today my brothers wife has had on going communication with my ex wife. I've been divorced for 2 years, and have had a rocky relationship with my brother and his wife for about the same time. My sis-n-law calls to check on my son who is 4 as well. It just seems shady to me since I'm just finding out about this. Am I overreacting?


Why is it an issue? I still speak with my brother's ex of 11 years, even though they had a somewhat bad break up.


My mom is still very good friend's with my uncle (my aunt's ex husband) even though their divorce was very messy.


Do you think they should cut all contact because you divorced? Or are you concerned they have sided with your ex, seeing as how your relationship with them has been rocky since the divorce?

Cause I really see no big issue with it...

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I don't really see any issue with it, either.


Based on the very limited amount of information you've given, I'd say you are overreacting. Who cares if they still talk?

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I can understand why it threw you, but if you can find a way to chalk it up to what's best for your son that's a good thing. Harmony -- or at least keeping the bad stuff away from the kids -- is a good thing.



The 2 women aren't blood. They probably formed a friendship as the "outlaws". If they aren't harming you, why start trouble?

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When you bring someone into a family and ask people to love and treat them like family, it's juvenile to expect everyone to forget them when YOU are through with them.


My BIL just divorced and he is not terribly happy that I (his brothers wife) is still friends with her. I've held her hand throughout the divorce because she needed support. She is y kids aunt. Not by blood but by love. She was invited to my daughters wedding which was weeks before the divorce was final. My MIL had the nerve to ask my daughter if she thought inviting SIL would upset BIL and my daughter told her that if it did he could stay home. She also said to her grandmother, I didn't grow up knowing which aunt or uncle I was blood related to, I have for a long time known which ones I prefer!

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The only way I'd say you're right to be upset would be if she left you for another guy doing a parade in the middle of the town humilliating you...


The fact that you have a child with this woman is excuse enough to keep in touch with her as well... if there was no child at all, then I'd wonder what's the point...

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I just found out today my brothers wife has had on going communication with my ex wife. I've been divorced for 2 years, and have had a rocky relationship with my brother and his wife for about the same time. My sis-n-law calls to check on my son who is 4 as well. It just seems shady to me since I'm just finding out about this. Am I overreacting?


Your sis in law and your ex have kept a friendship going that has nothing to do with you so stay out of it. Your sis in law still enjoys hearing about her nephew (yes, even if she's not blood, she's still an aunt because your brother is his uncle). Your child can only benefit from having lots of family.


Why do you find this shady? Unless she is bashing you and planning on screwing you over, which is doubtful seeing as you have a child together, don't think the worst here.

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It reads to me as if you don't like it because you can't control it. Why did you divorce? Just wondering if there's some stuff you don't want others to know?

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I would like to think that my husband could still converse with my family and I with his if we divorced. I have gotten quite fond of many of our nephews and nieces who are now grown. '


I don't think it is any of your business.

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