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My top ten qualities (in no particular order)

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I feel that I need to list my best qualities as I was dumped by someone I loved for a year and a half about a month and a half ago, and I am trying to regain my self worth. I'm only doing this to vent. I felt like I was a worthless human being in that month and a half, but I know I need to love myself, so here is my list of my top qualities:


1) I am very loving and loyal. I treat my family and friends with great respect. I always treated my ex with love. I would always tell her how beautiful she was, I always was her shoulder to cry on, and I would always try to make her happy with the best of my ability.


2) I am very intelligent. I am an astrophysics major with a 3.9 gpa at Florida State University. I have an innate talent at math and abstract thinking.


3) I am compassionate and kind. I have always been able to understand people's emotions very well. I always try to sympathize with people as much I possibly can.


4) I have a great sense of humor. It is extremely quirky and strange, but I always have been able to laugh at myself. People have regarded me as hilarious, or the life of the party, on many occasions.


5) I am very strong. I have dealt with depression and anxiety for most of my life, but I have always persevered. I know I have the ability to move on and be happy with who I am.


6) I am very emotionally mature. I am only 19, but people have regarded me as well beyond my age.


7) I have a fantastic taste in music. I love all genres, and I am always willing to listen to new bands. I also play guitar very well.


8) I am very generous. My ex didn't have money to eat in college for a period of two months due to college expenses, and I helped her afford groceries and other necessities so she could live. She rejected my offer, but I sat down with her and told her that I would help her as I am doing so out of love, not out of pity.


9) I am very passionate about what I love. There have been periods of time where I could play guitar for five hours straight without growing tired. When I love something, I focus directly on it.


10) I know this pertains to being loyal, but I would never cheat. I am a very good looking man, and I had about four opportunities in college to cheat on my ex when we were in a long distance relationship, but I turned them down. I knew I could easily get away with it, but I would not betray my partner.


Qualities I need to work on:


1) I have the tendency to lie when in danger. I need to work on being honest even when it is not beneficial to me. I'm not a pathological liar, but I do lie occasionally, and that is a terrible quality of mine.


2) I have anger problems. This lead to the end of my relationship. We had a bad fight, and my ex believed I could potentially be abusive.


3) Being able to handle sadness and depression more efficiently so it does not affect my next relationship.

Edited by Bishop556
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