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My Ex is a Jerk. Now what?

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How do you accept that your ex is an A-hole? I mean, how do you mentally wrap your head around that fact?

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My ex is an arsehole too. For me, I always find that I tend to remember only the good things about him and for whatever reason all the douchy things seem to fade away. I have found that keeping a journal helps me immensely. I write down all the bad/stupid/insensitive things he's done to me and read them over and over when I'm having a weak moment thinking of only the good..it helps to bring me back to reality and remember how I felt in the moment he did those things. I write down why my life is better without him in it as a reminder to myself when my mind is playing tricks on me. It puts things in perspective for me and keeps me accountable to myself and my feelings when I'm missing him..

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You take a deep breathe & thank heavens they are out of your life.



If you think you have a habit of picking jerks, you think about what attracted you to the jerk in the 1st place so you can spot & avoid those traits in the future.

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I'm still processing that fact. It sucks because I'll still get drawn in to the illusion of what I thought she was. Then I just remember a couple of the awful things she did to me, and I come right back to the fact that she is a crapbag of a human being.


I would agree that we need to use it as a learning experience not only about our ex, but about why we ignored all the bad while we were with them, even though it was always there.

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You don't. Otherwise, you waste your life on someone who is finally out of your life. If you don't have kids, this should be a lot easier done. You move on and be the better person and leave him in the dust of life.

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