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Is she's teasing me or testing me?

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Hi all:


I am be thinking too deeply into the words of a good female friend (hoping for a good outcome :D). If I can get some feedback on my thought process, I'd be most appreciative!


We've known each other for two months, we hit it off at the beginning, and we're share in so many things. I've been wanting to pursue the relationship further, but she'd been showing many mixed signals. She's that great a person that I don't want to lose her friendship. So I've "left the ball in her court", taking things slowly as she gains more of my trust, and we are terrific friends. By the way, we're in our mid 20's, and she's a fairly conservative girl.


In our last several conversations, I've noticed that she's been asking me whether of not I've been meeting girls, if I have any new girly stories to share with her, or say things such as "you could bring a girl to your room and watch that show..."


We have a very giving, encouraging friendship. Initially, I've interpreted her words as simply encouragement from a friend: "you're a great man, and go out to meet some ladies." (Heck, it's something my sister would say! :D )


Because she's been asking such questions so often now, I've been wondering if there's another agenda... if she's testing me for something... what she's testing me for, I'm not certain... faithfulness? Whether or not I'm the clingy kind?


My questions are these: (1) is she teasing me... that she's simply talking encouragement to me, or (2) is she testing me?


Perhaps the answer is obvious to you, but apparently I'm blind to it right now! I say option (1), but if I can possibly get a female perspective on this, I'd be most appreciative. Thank you for your time and attention.

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She's likely teasing you. She probably values your friendship and wouldn't want to possibly lose it by starting a romantic relationship with you.


Women treasure male friends, sometimes more than fellow female ones.



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she is your friend and the worst way possible to get into a girls pants is to become friends with her.


ask her if she has any single friends she can hook you up with...her response will say a lot.

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Originally posted by alphamale

she is your friend and the worst way possible to get into a girls pants is to become friends with her.


AMEN. I learned that lesson the hard way. It was a 2 year lesson in what to do / what not to do when it comes to girls you are interested in. Never become too good of a friend, in fact, the less she knows about you, the better your chances. I guess they are into that mysterious guy shi... stuff.

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Originally posted by alphamale

Ask her if she has any single friends she can hook you up with... her response will say a lot.


Yes it will. If you hook up with one of her friends she will be untouchable then. With the whole don't date your friends Ex's deal.


If she gets all defensive on the idea you may have a chance with her.

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