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How many of you work with your AP?

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Rollercoaster Rider
and see him/her at work daily or often?

I worked with my MOM. Seen him everyday, morning.. lunch... and afterwork. Even when he was off, he would still show up for lunch. A very CONVENIENT arrangement. When he got laid off.. visits started to dwindle..

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We work together. However, we don't sit next to each other, and we can work remotely if we wanted to. We've been completely NC for the past couple of weeks. The only things I worry about are department meetings that we both have to attend (there are a few coming up), after work events (we are part of the same small circle of work friends), and/or being asked to work on something together, since our job functions are the same. One day at a time.. I have a feeling he's going to leave the company soon anyway. I'm trying to prepare myself for that news.

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My MM and I worked together, I was his direct assistant... started out as an amazing team, 5 days a week together, started our A at work...


continued for a year like this. Nobody knew, but it was a very corrupt situation, as we often helped eachother out where we could in situations where we shouldnt have.

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My AP was my boss now BF. We saw each other at work and would have lunch and dinner or drinks after work togther. We didn’t see a lot of each other during the day since we worked on different floors

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In my situation she still haven't accepted I had moved on and continue to breach NC. I do my best aviod her but that doesn't stop her walking past me at close proximity or saying something.

There appear to be a pattern going on. She would breach NC, then she keeps her distance, then I get the stares, then the blanking situations and finally contact.


There isn't much more to say except she had told one of her close co workers about our situation and her friend gives me stares aswell.

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