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I messed something special up.

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I found a great girl after the split with my ex 11 months ago.


I met the most amazing girl who my daughter loves and I bonded with her daughter and our kids bonded. Be both had come out of a relationship. I didnt fancy her straight off but in time I did but kept her in the friend zone. We was sleeping together regularly over the 10 months. In I gad feelings which got strong in october. We had pregnancy scare and I ovreacted and told her to get rid of it. I had alot stress and certain health issues which she was supportive of. Then early december she was going on a date and it broke me and and I was hurt and overeacted. But I told her how I felt I like her and she didnt go on date and came round and I felt so loved up. I let my health get me dwn and pushed her awaym she got woth het bf who she says she loves and is the type of bloke she wants.


She said she loves her bf. She texts me everyday still and wants to be their for me and to meet up with our kids.


She had alot feelings for me and I made her feel good.


She said she lost feelings after preg scare cause I pushed her away and neither of us opened up properly about our feelings.


We are so well matched have everything in common bounce off each other.


She said she still wants me to chill with her sometimes I said your bf wont like that and she said hes going to have to deal with it and that he will actually be ok.


She lives at home with her parents still with her daughter.


She is also helping me paint my room with me next week and wants to go clothes shopping with me or help me buy clothes as im terrible.


She also seemed to want to know my feelings over the last few days like she was fishing for them.


Ive told her every single way I feel about her. Last night we talked for the first time face to face and she listened and seems interested about talking about it all which she said she will in few days. We hugged and I cried and I got home and 20 mins later she txted me am I ok.


I texted her the other day and said dont worry about me hun text ya bf gareth and she got angry and said im trying to help you and your just pushing me away all tge time. With alot of texts I managed to fix it.


I didnt realise I was in love with this girl until it was too late. And im kicking myself.


Seems shes now happy with her new bf.


Help me guys what should I do.

Edited by DmxDex
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From a girls perspective I would never respect anyone who treated me like how you did to her. You need to find some courage in your life and work on yourself before you go around screwing up someone else's life. Leave her to find her own happiness.

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