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Am I misleading him?

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Hi All


I have been friends with this person for close to 9 months; we started off with common interests and then basically have been talking every now and often online. I met him when I was traveling overseas and have been in touch with him and we both are getting to the zone of being 'ever so slightly' more than friends.


Neither of us has asked about each others past or deep dark secrets, our conversations has been related to more on the lines of present, our shared interests and future plans (nothing mushy just generic plans)


I am divorced and I have never disclosed to him; primarily as we have never spoken about our pasts and neither has he asked me about any relationship issues in past. I was only married for few months; 3 years ago and since then single as single can be.


I feel like I am being dishonest if I don't tell him about my past but at the same time I don't just want to come out of no where and blurt it out for no reason. Do I let it run its course before we both do speak about our past or do I wait for him to ask me about my past?


My fear is that I don't want to lose this amazing guy with whom I do connect with and at the same time I don't want to appear that I am with holding or hiding any secret.


Am I just over reacting and over analysing this?


What do I do?

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