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change of heart

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i have been with the same guy for 9 months, and since we have been with each other one minute he is calling my phone off the wall, and then the next week or whatever he doesn't call hardly. One minute he is the sweetest guy i have ever met, and the next minute it seems like he could care less about me. What is going on? Does any guys or girls have any idea how I could read him better? I have asked him before...and he just says that nothing is wrong. He has acted the same way since i have known him. Help I am going crazy!!!



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You need to have a serious talk with him. You need to tell him how you feel. You need to find out if he's in this relationship for good and if so, why he acts like he does (all about you and then nothing for weeks). There's no reason for you to put 100% effort into something he's not gonna give 100% into. Doesn't sound like it. Good luck!

i have been with the same guy for 9 months, and since we have been with each other one minute he is calling my phone off the wall, and then the next week or whatever he doesn't call hardly. One minute he is the sweetest guy i have ever met, and the next minute it seems like he could care less about me. What is going on? Does any guys or girls have any idea how I could read him better? I have asked him before...and he just says that nothing is wrong. He has acted the same way since i have known him. Help I am going crazy!!!



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This guy sounds like he's kind of mysterious. His name wouldn't happen to be TONY? If not, can you find out if he has been secretly visiting the LoveShack and asking for advice on how to drive women crazy? That could be your answer.


But seriously, the only part that concerns me is when you mentioned:


"and the next minute it seems like he could care less about me"


I'm not real sure what you mean by that. Does he just not call you or does he say he will call by a certain day or time and then not do it? Has he ever stood you up on a date?


Fill us in on what you mean by "he could care less".

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Mood swing disorder. Nothing some presciption lithium or depakote won't handle. Normally the moods don't swing that rapidly but, hell, this has become an anything can happen world.


Have him see a psychiatrist and get on the meds. He'll level out in no time.

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This could be very true take it from me my husband after years of uncontrolable mood swings was told he has ADD


ANXIETY DEPRESSION DISORDER IT CHANGED OUR LIFE i only wish it was sooner it would have saved alot of hurt feelings.

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