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does he actually want me for me, or me for sex?

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hi i need some advise from someone who wont be biest and will tell me exactly what they think, i have been seeing my bf for nearly 4 months okay not long i know but this is his longest relationship. anyway on our 2 month ann.. he tells me that hes not completly sure if he wants to be with me anymore so after about 5 hours of talking and crying he comes up with the idea we have a break, 3 hours later he calls me up and wants me back i forgive him. next an x girlfrind starts texting him saying how she misses him she needs him, he says its nothing so i let it drop and forgive him, then about two weeks later after everything was going great he tells me that at his work party he was dancing with a girl but nothing happened so i belived him. then we have this amazing christmas he got to know my family who love him and new years eve i spent with him and his family a week later and he is confused again so we should go on a break 2 days later i ask him to talk to me, i tell him i cant do this anymore i cant keep waiting for him to be ready i asked him if there was something or someONE thats making him feel like this... after what seemed like hours he said yeah someone. it turned out that the girl who hates me and does stuff to wind me up had started showing intrest in him (about a year before he was completly obsessed with her) and he started to like her again, but he wanted to be with me i tried to breakl up with him but he just talked me round like he always does. he knows exactly what to do and say to win me over i love him i must do otherwise i wouldnt be such a push over i just need some advise im so confussed and i al3ways think about something to much. so we got back together and were together a day when i looked on his phone at a text from this girl saying 'i only consided you as a friend before but i never thought we could be a sintamate as we were last night' i confronted him and he said she was doing it to annoy him ther is this doubt. but everyone else says it was like that too. i know what hes like i know what he was like wih me before we started going out. and now hes done it again he has said and done the right things again, its not like i havent given him the chance to leave me i said if he wasnt happy he should go and he didnt so does that mean he does acctully want to be with me? or just he cant go without sex for about an hour?

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Well if you think he's just in it for the sex then make him do without it for a few days and see what happens. I would be more worried about whether he's telling you the truth about everything else. I would watch him for a little while to make sure his stories are matching up and he's not really off trying to get with the other girl.

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If I were in your position I'd leave him. Seems like he's messing you about really. I wouldnt stand for it. I don' think you should be second best, to anyone.


I understand that you love him, and he makes you feel great. But the whole thing seems to be dodgy. he doesnt know what he wants. why should u deal with that.


Leave him. and watch him crawl straight back to you...

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