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I've had two friends for 4 years. Let's call them Pete and John. Pete and John are very good friends. We all have a lot of friends in common as we kind of work together. Pete has been in love with me for 2 years. We talk every day, we joke that we'll marry and I'll be his princess, but I'm not sure if I wanna be with him. I really really like him as a friend but I think there is not enough chemistry. John has had a girlfriend for 4 years, I know her briefly. He is real good looking and we get along well. But knowing he was in a relationship I never even wanted to think about him in any other way than that we are just friends. Though I sometimes did. John always encouraged Pete to do the first step with me.

3 days ago we had a party with our colleagues. John was there, Pete was not. 3 beers down, I find myself flirting with John. Surreal. 5 beers down, we have sex in a small room just next door to the party. It was a-maz-ing. Later I found out that John broke up with his girlfriend 3 months ago because she found out he had cheated on her. But he wants her back. Now....the chemistry is so great, the sex was unbelievable, we both agreed that it's a shame we didn't have a bed and more time. I want to do it again. Just once. I know he wants it too. But we know it is wrong. It is probably the worst thing I have done in my life. I've never cheated, I rarely lie. But this....I just cannot help myself. And I can't stop thinking that 'what you don't know can't hurt you'. I know it is extremely unfair to Pete. And to John's ex who is at this very moment contemplating whether to take him back. If this comes out, it is a social suicide for both of us, our friends would kill us. With our coworkers we are very connected and very good friends. But the forbidden fruit is always the sweetest. Today we went for a coffee and agreed that what we did was wrong and we shouldn't do it again. But I cant help but think about the ways to seduce him. Just once more. In 3 weeks I'm moving to another country. John can go back to his girlfriend, Pete can find someone else. I really want this, but I don't want John to think less of me if I try anything. I don't want to ruin our friendship. I just want to have sex with him one more time, and then we're done. How bad is this?

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I guess I do not see what you actually did wrong ? Maybe you just like John a bit more than you let on, and you are hoping more sex might make him forget about his ex girlfriend? The only person you might actually hurt in this situation is yourself if he and his ex reconcile. I would think about your actual motives and feelings first before acting.

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