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fun for a guy?


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Here's the deal... my bf has been complaining that he's doing all those things for me (aka more than any friend does for me) .. and he feels like he's not getting as much in return... he said - aside from sexual stuff - i do for him as much as any friend would do, not more.. any idea what he expects?? By the things he does for me he meant skipping most of his lectures when I have a break, walking me everywhere, tying my shoelace (lol), taking me to places i wanna go, etc... it's kinda true that he's always doing stuff for me, and i just accept it & have fun & that's it... sooo any suggestions of what to do for him??


btw, it's perfectly OK with me that he's letting me know ..





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It would be very very nice if you asked him what kinds of things he would like you to do. Since most of us here don't see him very often and don't know him really well, there's no better person than HE to answer your question.


First of all, I think it's very wrong for this guy to expect anything in return for what he does. If he gives with a motive of receiving something back, his gifts are tarnished and dishonest. A giver who gives freely without expecting anything in return is a truly gracious person.


Now, I think it's nice that you should want to do things for him in return...but not because he asks but because you want to.


Men like back rubs a lot. As a matter of fact, he's likely to do loads more for you in return for a nice, refreshing rub down. Do his legs and feet too. The shoulders and behind the neck are great. Do a good enough job and this guy will marry you in no time. Buy some decent body lotion to put on your hands while you're performing the massage. I'm telling you any lady who gives me a good massage has got my heart forever. If you don't know how to give a good massage, go get one yourself from a licensed massage therapist...then remember what he/she does and do that for your guy.


You can run errands for him, cook for him, surprise him with a dinner out on the town. You can buy him a book you think he'll enjoy or get him a gourmet cookie at one of those fancy shops or even bake them yourself. I have guy friends who actually have orgasms of hot chocolate chip cookies with pecans, right out of the oven, and ice cold milk. Of course, if you do that very often he may start preferring hot cookies to sex. Take his car and put a few gallons of gas in it....wash it for him...polish it if you like (it's a lot easier than it used to be).


There's only one thing in the world more orgasmic than hot cookies and that's hot Krispie Kreme Donuts...they usually make them at night. If there isn't a Krispie Kreme near you, find a donut place that makes glazed donuts and take him there when they are making them. He will be in heaven...with coffee or cold milk. I know this is heaven because I often have hot donuts with St. Peter at a Krispie Kreme near my house.


Now, as far as this goes technically, I don't think he should get a lot of points for skipping lectures to walk with you a tie your shoelace. He ought to get kicked out of school for that. So no points there. Walking with the one he loves is a mutual thing...I mean you are both walking. Just because he's dumb enough to skip lectures to do it gets him minus points.


If he takes you places you want to go, go with him to places he wants to go.


I think I've given you enough ideas to make him real happy. The massage thing should actually handle the whole ball of wax. But you also need to tell the turkey-face that if he's going to keep score like this all of his life, he can do it with another lady because that's simply something you're not going to put up with.


I mean complaining about something like that is pretty lame, unless you aren't telling the whole story and he feels like he's getting taken advantage of. Use you own good imagination to even out the relationship...and then stop the score keeping.


You do everything I said and you can get this guy or any guy to fall in love with you in no time...and marry you soon after. I unconditionally guarantee.

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Thanks Tony!!


I'll try the back rub suggestion as soon as i get a chance :p and other ones too


About keeping score - i thought it was Okay for him to tell me this cuz i have compained to him before... cuz i believed that he loves me and didn't do smth simply cuz he's just 19 i guess... i have asked for "upgrades" and he always fullfills my wishes ... now it's my turn =)it's fair, cuz i realize i'm not the best person at showing off my feelings/emotions...


thanks again!

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