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Looking for friend/alibi

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Hey, I'm a married woman, having an affair and looking for a friend that is in a similar situation to be mutual alibis with. Instead of telling my fiancé that I am with a made up friend, I figured it made sense to find a real friend, lol! Any takers?

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Hey, I'm a married woman, having an affair and looking for a friend that is in a similar situation to be mutual alibis with. Instead of telling my fiancé that I am with a made up friend, I figured it made sense to find a real friend, lol! Any takers?


Here's a thought.


You cod do the honorable thing, remembering that you made a vow, a promise, and have the self respect not to let your word be trash, and


A)end the affair, tell your husband, and agree to work on your marriage or to your separate ways and be willing to suffer the consequences of your actions


B) get a divorce and go be with the new guy


Because your actions right now show no respect for yourself and your word, the promise you made to your husband or your husband, and certainly shows little compassion for the poor dude you roped into having feelings for you.


Ha ha. Grand joke right? Lots of cute coquettish fun, right?


Even if your husband is an *******, he deserves better than how you are treating him.


Look. It is obvious to see that he path you are headed on will lead to pain for all three of you.


Perhaps the person you might want to be in search of is a good marriage counselor.


Honestly, how is it people like you are married, and me, for whom loyalty is hardwired into my very bones, I am still single?

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Don't worry about looking for a friend - look for something to calibrate your moral compass, cos it's pretty damn out of whack...

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Instead of telling my fiancé that I am with a made up friend, I figured it made sense to find a real friend, lol! Any takers?


So you have no problem sleeping around behind his back, but you don't want to lie about making up a friend.....wow.


Hope he can get his deposite bacK on the wedding!

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