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Should I stay?

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I am so unbelievably confused about my relationship now. We got together and only a few months later made a huge move country wide together. I had planned on leaving and moving on my own and he asked to join. Since then I have had these mixed feelings. Someways I think about him and my heart melts and others I just want to run and never look back. We have different views such as I don't have a desire or requirement for money to be happy and he relates happiness to money, becomes stressed and bitchy in low situations and is unbearable. But at the same time he is willing to do anything for me. He can be very defensive about silly things. Neither of us fear cheating or do not trust each other. But we also have very different ideas of our wedding I want to do something insane and out of the box. He likes the idea but because his family won't doesn't want to. I have no sexual drive or attraction to him anymore. He is very attractive but I don't feel like I want to "be" with him. I do often fantasize about other men on a daily basis. I can't explain how up and down I am about it and if someone could please give me a outsiders opinion that would be amazing. So young and confused

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So Lets summerize:


- problems after only a couple months

- your doubting so much that you are posting it here

- really different views on life

- no sexual attraction

- don't want to be with him anymore.


Sounds like you already know what to do?

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At least stop with the wedding planning until you've figured this out.


You need to work through this with your partner, honestly and openly.


You could also consider couple's counseling.


This may be able to be resolved, but not with the way you're going. Unless you two can work together on this, then I imagine that your relationship will only further deteriorate.


If you're not willing to commit to this, then get out now. Discussing wedding plans with a man that you are considering dumping isn't fair IMO. He has a right to know what's going on.

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