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Rejected twice

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Heya there peeps, I'm in a bit of a situation having thought about this for a while and would like a second opinion on what conclusion I have come to regarding a friend of mine who twice I have tried it on with but have got nowhere (yeah not a good start). Basically the situation is, she found out last valentines that I have feelings for her having unexpectedly received something I made for her along with a card, it was here later during the day that she first rejected me saying shes "not looking for a boyfriend". I played it cool but she took it in an awkward wake for awhile, but after a few weeks everything got back to normal. Later on in April I discovered from her she was seeing a guy but it didn't work out (he was annoyed she didnt reply to his texts to her all the time), I found this out having spoken to her having found her avoiding doing anything with me when I wanted to do something by herself while I have always had time for her when she was sad/stuck on work which annoyed me a lot (one sided and all). It was here that she went on saying that theres no spark between us having justified why she was displaying this behavior etc.


Then came the summer holidays, where I kept out of contact with her mainly but decided to take two weeks visiting an area near her to do some hiking, which I thought I'd try meeting up with her since she lives in the area, this was a no-go in the end, she acknowledged I was in the area but never made an effort to do anything. This again quite annoyed me some what.


We then come to september 2013 where I kept out of contact with her, as it was up to her to make the effort to contact me for a change considering what I did during the hols. Eventually she did contact me, she wanted me to help her out with something before we sat in a coffee shop to catch up etc, I played it cool with choosing when during the week, it was here I decided to make another move on her due to a few months having been passed and girls changing their minds and all. So I flirted with her a tad in the coffee shop, we got back to hers (I said i'd set something up for her) which later on during the night I made a suggestive move then let her know my feelings for her. It was here I got rejected the second time, she said I'm more of a "Father figure to her", I tried acting cool about it with saying it's fine and everything because lets be honest, if she doesnt feel anything then its not going to happen. She knew however that it did effect me quite a bit later when I left and since then I haven't heared from her, I decided i needed space from her to try get over her so i didnt text her, although of course if I had ran into her in the street for example, I would of said hello etc since its common courtesy, but i never saw her once.


To her however this isn't the case as a few months later I happened to go into our favorite coffee shop and spotted her with a friend of hers, I decided i would go say hello etc after I got my coffee, however she left having had to walk right past me while I was ordering and didnt say anything. This really annoyed me, and she did the same thing when we happened to be at another place, this time she avoided walking near me entirely. Later when it was her birthday I decided to text happy birthday to her but kept it short as I knew it was her birthday and didn't want to stoop to her level, being the better person. She did respond to me after which I was surprised about.


Now my thoughts having thought about whats happened is this, too much too soon on valentines day and being too nice to her which is why i feel cheated on having spent a load of my time doing things for her when shes needed help and reasurrance, and due to me "putting her on a pedestal" with letting her know how I feel about her back in September, is the reason attraction for her hasn't bloomed in me having me putting her on the spot. Now what do you all think of this and what should be my next move as I was thinking on apologising to her about that night with putting her on the spot and that its really my fault that no attraction has bloomed between us due to me obviously not allowing it to bloom.


Thanks for your time.

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If a girl tells you she sees you as a brother, you are friend zoned. If she says she sees you as a father figure, there is no hope.


I am curious, what is the age difference?

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If a girl tells you she sees you as a brother, you are friend zoned. If she says she sees you as a father figure, there is no hope.


I am curious, what is the age difference?


This is a definate case for No Contact. Not for her to miss you, but to get over her. She isn't going to change her mind.

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