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Please help me. I've cheated on the one I love

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My bf cheated on me a while ago, and I didn't find out til months later when someone accidentally slipped up, not knowing I was in the room. Not only was I hurt, I was pissed that he let me love him and adore him all the time he was carrying that secret - and didn't let me know the person he really was. I think you said she'll probably never find out, and even if that's the case, SHE HAS A RIGHT TO KNOW! I know its easier to wish you didn't know...sometimes I wish I didn't either, and the relationship could have just fizzled out for other reasons...but if it is truly strong like you say - you have to hope and pray for her forgiveness. This isn't right at all, and I hope you will give her the honesty that she deserves. If it happened way early..she may just let you off the hook. But really - the decision to cheat was yours - and the decison to stay or leave you is absolutely hers.




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from my passed exsperiance you need to own up because the longer it is hidden the worse it will be because i can promise you things allways come out eventually.

if it comes to the worst and you do end up loosing her then its really hard but learn from your mistakes.

i have been through the same but when you do admit be ready for the long hall ie where have you been, you r wiv a girl, and then the namecalling starts and thinking they can do what they want so bve ready gud luck

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no i tell her you will feel guilty n its not something u can 4get i have just bin found out from 4yr bk and people who didnt live near so the 4get thing is crap

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Well , first off thank you all of you that posted a comment worth reading. I told my girlfriend and we are working it out. thank you all and good nite

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