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Needs ideas for Valentines Day for my soldier

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Hi everyone, I need some advice on what to send my boyfriend for Valentine's Day. He is in Korea because of the army and I am here in the US. I want to make him feel really special, but I am not exactly sure what to do. This will be our first Valentines Day as a couple, and we can't be together.


I talked to him on the phone the other day and he just seems really depressed and not himself. He says he doesnt like it there (which is understandable) and he cant wait to come home. So, now I feel like I really need some good ideas so I can make this day really special for him even though we cant be together . I love him very much and I just want to make him happy.


I know its going to be a hard day for both of us, but we got through the holidays and that was even harder, so hopefully everyone can give me some ideas on creative things I could send him to let him know how much I love him and how im always thinking about him even though we are on opposite sides of the world.




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Send that man a care package! Of all of his favorite things and some sweet notes from you! Or send him a calling card.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I know some time has passed since you posted this, and perhaps you have already chosen what to do with your long-distance Valentine.


Or maybe not. My fiance is out-of-country for studies, and for this Valentine's day, I have a couple of things up my sleeve. First, I gave him a Valentine's Day basket complete with Teddy Bear and chocolates the last time he was in town - indicating that I was too poor to send them via mail, so he should take them then. This makes surprise number two unexpected. Yes, I did the cliche thing and called a florist in his area to deliver a flower arrangement to him on Valentine's morning. Call me a traditional romantic, but I don't think that there is a more chivalrous way to say "I adore you" than red roses! Too top things off, I'm express-posting him a "Valentines Date in-a-box". I actually got this suggested from an internet site. The idea is to capture in a parcel the essence of what a Valentine's date would look like if you were spending it together. For example, a classic date for us would be going for dinner and catching a movie or play, so I'm sending a gift certificate to a chain restaurant that is nearby, and a romantic DVD (or you can send a gift certificate to something like BestBuy for that too). I also tend to go and buy a new thong to wear to big dates we have, like anniversaries, so I'm going to buy one and scent it with my signature perfume. You should also stick little sticky notes to each article, clearly stating what your intention with that object is (i.e. "Here's a photo album from the first year we dated in lieu of the reminicing we would have done tonight").


I know that some of this stuff may be difficult for you to accomplish seeing the nature of where your bf is located, but if you can send something, and better yet, something homemade, then he'll be extatic. Even though I praise the message fresh flowers send, personal articles such as the above will live more than a week, and your love will be able to enjoy them more. Happy Valentine's Day!

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