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Today my girlfriend told me she had cheated on someone else in the past. Not me, but a guy at the beginning of last school year (we are currently sophomores). She told me a couple weeks ago that she cheated on a boyfriend in 7th grade and I let it go because she said she felt like crap and learned from her mistake. Obviously, she didn't. I am glad she told me what happened, but at first I was really worried. We talked about it and she said she understands why I would be worried, but I thought about it some more and I've come to this conclusion: it wasn't me and she hasn't done anything to ME to give me a reason not to trust her, so I have to trust her. I asked if she had ever had the opportunity to cheat on me, and she said yes, after she went to a party when we first started going out her friend's (the friend the party was for) brother IMd her and said she was looking hot and wanted to make out with her. She told him no, so I still trust her.


What do you guys think? Should I worry?


Note-she just sent me this IM (excuse the poor grammar =D):

Tyler I love you so much and you don't even know how sorry I am that this had to happen…Like if I could take it back I really would!! I could never hurt you like that you mean way too much to me! UGH I know you are having your doubts right now but I swear on our relationship I will never do a thing like that to you!! I LOVE YOU TYLER! You make me the happiest girl in the world I don't know where I would be w/ out you every time im with you I never wanna leave you cuz you make me soo happy and to cheat on you would hurt me, cuz I would never wanna feel pain like that so why would I want to do it to you..and I know yer sayin well u did it twice and now yer guna do it again…NOT TRUE! Im seriously takin everything that I did and im learning from it Im never ever going to hurt you like that and I am hoping that you cen trust me w/ all of yer heart tyler cuz I know I can trust you 100% cuz I really do know how much you love and care about me and you would never hurt me like that in a million years! I LOVE YOU!
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Don't make a big thing about it to her (or she'll start getting ticked off that you are mad or irritated at her). Gently make it clear and positive that if someone cheated on you, they would be gone in ten seconds without drama or any feeling at all.


Then make sure you're doing your stuff in her head to ensure that she's having a good time. Be elusive, be intimate, be fun and act, frankly, like you enjoy her company but could enjoy someone else's company in two minutes if you wanted to.

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Originally posted by newbie

What was her excuse? Why did she do it? Was she drunk or something?


She was going out with the guy she cheated on to get back at the guy she cheated on him with. Doesn't make sense, I know.

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No, this time it happened at the beginning of our freshman year.


Right now, we're both sophomores.

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