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Dear Friend, potentially more, has just moved!

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So, there was a fellow I've worked with for 3.5 years that recently moved to the other side of the country. We had been fairly close, not really friendzoned, but I trust him quite a lot, he bought some of my artwork, there were some sparks I thought from the beginning. But we were always both taken. Until now, he and his lady of 5 years broke up a few months ago.


Around thanksgiving (about a month before he moved) we started to get more emotionally intimate and eventually one night were holding hands in a dark bar talking about whether we wanted kids, our families etc... Then, I totally freaked out. I was writing him every few days asking him out for coffee and he was very apologetically rejecting me, or making plans and then flaking last minute. We continued to work together and things were okay there. At his going away party I asked him straight out to just tell me if he wasn't interested, since it seemed so strange that he was flaking all the time, and he wouldn't say it. He told me that it was complicated because he was about to move and I am in a relationship with a man that I live with. I recently wrote this ex-coworker an email apologizing for potentially stressing him out in his last few days here, and hoping that he wasn't totally alienated from me. I also mentioned that he had always been important to me and I had been panicking that I may be losing him. No response yet (it's been 5 days.). What do I make of this? I am confused since I am in a relationship that is pretty nice, but I am ready to move across the country for this dude.


I am in a relationship with a man, and we have lived together for 2 years. I love him dearly, but he doesn't want marriage or kids, and I do. This other man wants these things, which is really attractive to me. I also know he is great with kids and I think he would be a fantastic dad.


Do you think he was just being polite when he said it was complicated, but actually couldn't wait to not have to interact with me anymore? Also, I should mention that our mutual friends just told me that he was seeing someone (not seriously) right before he moved, which he didn't bother telling me for some reason...

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