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NC query

Med Student

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I am implementing the NC strategy, however, I got a small gift for this guy BEFORE doing NC. I wanted to at least thank him for treating me to a ski trip. Don't want to be impolite since he probably spent more than a grand on the weekend trip, though money doesn't seem to be a big deal to him.


Do I send it regardless with a short note of just saying thanks?


Also, I screened my call last night (Sat) and he called at 11 - too late for me to want to call him back. And I didn't call him back today nor did I hear from him. Should I just wait til he calls again? OR initiate the return call tomorrow?



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Send the gift - it's a nice gesture and won't hurt. As for the phone calls - when he calls, wait a day or two before getting back to him...but you should call back if your intentions are anything other than strictly moving past him.

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