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new thread same problem

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Ok so I didnt go to the show last night. I did, however, txt him and tell him why I didnt go. I didnt txt him till 1am but I thought it was the only nice thing to do.


So today he calls about 8oclock. He asks if I am at my moms house. I say no I am home. He says he is cold.. I tell him I am sitting by a roaring fire. He said he just called to say hi.


He told me every detail about last night. It went well and he had a great time. There were about 400 ppl there. He said it felt great. I am still sorry I missed it. He seemed to miss me being there.


We chatted for a while and then he said he had to take a shower. Hadnt showered in 3 days UGH. Maybe I am glad I didnt go. Anyway so he repeated that he was just calling to say hi.


Then at the end of the conversation he said in his sweetest voice, "have a good week ok". Like I was either going to see him the end of this week or there was a reason he had to be away from me for a week. I dont know. It was funny. But the conversation was like so sweet and almost apologetic. I dont know.


I want to call him and invite him out to a movie later this week or something. I dunno. It feels like he wanted me to ask him to come over or something. I dont know.


I am going to bed. I wish everything was figured out and I could hold him and cuddle like I used to when he came home. Sometimes after being away for a show, he would drive straight over here and cuddle with me. It seems like we both kinda wanted that tonight. *Sigh*

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he obviously cares.....so do u.....ask him to go to a movie u have nothing to loose ...just dont sleep with him.


PM me anytime i will be glad to help.


I over analyze everything im my realtionship too.....guys i dont get them and i neevr will


But go have fun.....keep it casual for now and see where is slowly progresses

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