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WOW, I think she likes me!!!!!!!

Bobby Dygytul

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Bobby Dygytul

ok, i met this girl (Beth) about 10 months ago over the internet. (FYI, im 24 and Beth is 18) She lives in the same town that i do. I met her right after i got dumped by this girl (Kim) i had been dating for over 2 years. At the time when i met her, i was still getting over Kim, so i didn't pay a whole lot of attention to Beth. Me and Beth talked on the phone often and got to know each other, but i probably didn't act like i was too interested in her.


One day me and Beth decided to meet each other in person for the first time. She was extremely beautful and she has a wonderful personality. Beth is highly intelligent and very mature for her age. But i was still not fully healed yet so i didn't want to start seeing anyone yet on a regular bases. (i didn't tell her that though, she knows nothing about my past relationship with Kim)


Just within the last month, me and Beth started talking again (just about every day) I have started liking her more and more each day. Now i find myself thinking about her ALL the time and im crazy about her. She seems to really like me, she calls me everyday and we usually talk for hours. Everything seems to be falling in place now, she is the most perfect girl i have ever met. Everything about her i love.


I haven't been sure if she likes me as just a friend or more than that, im not good at telling those type of things. Im starting to get the impression that she likes me more than just friends, for instance yesturday we was talking and we were planning to go see a movie this weekend and we was talking about several movies that we wanted to see and one of the movies she mentioned that she wanted to see was that movie "Sugar and Spice" or what ever it is. So i suggested that we go see that, and she said NO, because there are pretty girls in that movie and she didn't want me to look at any other girls. lol That made me feel SOOOOOOOOO GOOD to hear her say that.


That was the first time i heard her say something like that. We both are really shy. My problem is, i have never liked anyone as much as i like her, and im not sure how i should act when we go out this weekend. I don't want to screw anything up with her. When we are at the movies, should i try and hold her hand? Should i try kissing her at the end of the date? Im sooo very nervous. Does anyone have any advise or any suggestions for me?

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Ok, I won't say anything about theage difference or about her being kinda young. It sounds like you both have feelings for each other, but you're too shy to share them. Maybe some little clues to her might help you find out how much she feels for you. And if you feel she likes you as much as you think, then you can come out and say it. It's better to confide in her about your feelings now than to find out you waited to long and she lost interest. Mabybe she's been waiting for you to say something. Or if she just likes you as a friend, then you can move on (still having her as a friend) to find that special someone. As for being really nervous for the date, why don't you order a couple of your "liquid cocaine" drinks. What are those anyways!


Well, good luck. Be yourself and be calm when talking.

ok, i met this girl (Beth) about 10 months ago over the internet. (FYI, im 24 and Beth is 18) She lives in the same town that i do. I met her right after i got dumped by this girl (Kim) i had been dating for over 2 years. At the time when i met her, i was still getting over Kim, so i didn't pay a whole lot of attention to Beth. Me and Beth talked on the phone often and got to know each other, but i probably didn't act like i was too interested in her. One day me and Beth decided to meet each other in person for the first time. She was extremely beautful and she has a wonderful personality. Beth is highly intelligent and very mature for her age. But i was still not fully healed yet so i didn't want to start seeing anyone yet on a regular bases. (i didn't tell her that though, she knows nothing about my past relationship with Kim) Just within the last month, me and Beth started talking again (just about every day) I have started liking her more and more each day. Now i find myself thinking about her ALL the time and im crazy about her. She seems to really like me, she calls me everyday and we usually talk for hours. Everything seems to be falling in place now, she is the most perfect girl i have ever met. Everything about her i love. I haven't been sure if she likes me as just a friend or more than that, im not good at telling those type of things. Im starting to get the impression that she likes me more than just friends, for instance yesturday we was talking and we were planning to go see a movie this weekend and we was talking about several movies that we wanted to see and one of the movies she mentioned that she wanted to see was that movie "Sugar and Spice" or what ever it is. So i suggested that we go see that, and she said NO, because there are pretty girls in that movie and she didn't want me to look at any other girls. lol That made me feel SOOOOOOOOO GOOD to hear her say that.


That was the first time i heard her say something like that. We both are really shy. My problem is, i have never liked anyone as much as i like her, and im not sure how i should act when we go out this weekend. I don't want to screw anything up with her. When we are at the movies, should i try and hold her hand? Should i try kissing her at the end of the date? Im sooo very nervous. Does anyone have any advise or any suggestions for me?

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My advice is never look past the first date. In the days leading up to the first date, it's easy to start fantasizing about someone, and to make that person seem better in your eyes than they really are. But it's a huge mistake to make too much of a first date, because the truth is that one date does not a relationship make. You two could date ten times and still know nothing about each other.


So what's your strategy for the first date? Your number one priority is to make her feel at ease. Don't make her deal with more than she has to. Don't bring any baggage from previous relationships. Be positive about her, and let her feel that you like her the way she is. Never mind the holding hands and kissing part for now...just try to let her feel comfortable being around you, and make yourself easy to talk to.


Pay attention to her the whole night. Listen to her when she talks, ask her about herself. Let her talk about herself all night if she wants to.(But don't pry.Let her decide what she wants to tell you.) If she mentions anything remotely negative about herself, don't react to it.Always be positive at this stage of the game.


Of course, don't neglect the common sense stuff like your manners and your grooming.Women notice things like that more than men do. Also, don't spend too much time talking about yourself unless you're answering one of her questions.(Women hate guys who yak on and on about themselves.) Smile (genuinely) and don't forget one of the most important things in first dates....EYE CONTACT!!!


Eye contact helps establish an emotional link between the two of you.It also let's the other person know that you're paying attention to them. No matter how shy you are, don't forget to look into her eyes while you're talking to her during your date. Don't worry if you're too scared to look in her in the eye.DO it anyways.


Anyways, good luck to you.( She is kinda young though isn't she? )

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Bobby Dygytul

I guess you all think that i should just forget about her and stop talking to her because she's young?? I guess so because out of two people's personal advise, they both kinda critisized me because she's young! I guess i'll just listen to everyone and just get rid of her. I REALLLLLLLLY like her alot, but i guess if you all thinks she's too young, then i'll just get rid of her. Let me ask you all another question. What is toooooo young? What is the minimum age of a lady that i should talk too?

My advice is never look past the first date. In the days leading up to the first date, it's easy to start fantasizing about someone, and to make that person seem better in your eyes than they really are. But it's a huge mistake to make too much of a first date, because the truth is that one date does not a relationship make. You two could date ten times and still know nothing about each other. So what's your strategy for the first date? Your number one priority is to make her feel at ease. Don't make her deal with more than she has to. Don't bring any baggage from previous relationships. Be positive about her, and let her feel that you like her the way she is. Never mind the holding hands and kissing part for now...just try to let her feel comfortable being around you, and make yourself easy to talk to. Pay attention to her the whole night. Listen to her when she talks, ask her about herself. Let her talk about herself all night if she wants to.(But don't pry.Let her decide what she wants to tell you.) If she mentions anything remotely negative about herself, don't react to it.Always be positive at this stage of the game. Of course, don't neglect the common sense stuff like your manners and your grooming.Women notice things like that more than men do. Also, don't spend too much time talking about yourself unless you're answering one of her questions.(Women hate guys who yak on and on about themselves.) Smile (genuinely) and don't forget one of the most important things in first dates....EYE CONTACT!!!


Eye contact helps establish an emotional link between the two of you.It also let's the other person know that you're paying attention to them. No matter how shy you are, don't forget to look into her eyes while you're talking to her during your date. Don't worry if you're too scared to look in her in the eye.DO it anyways.


Anyways, good luck to you.( She is kinda young though isn't she? )

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Damn, Bobby, you gotta be out of your mind!!!


Don't you dare get rid of her!


What are you, crazy? Have some sack, and go for it.


Just be careful, she's young.


If you do get rid of her, at least send her over my way.


My e-mail address is <e-mail address removed>



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At age 24 I think anything under 20 is too young. It's all matter of mind set more than anything.


At 18, someone's probably just got out of high school,or maybe still in it. There's not a lot of time develop independance or maturity yet. They still rely on their parents a lot, they still may not pay their own bills.They still are used to being "looked after" by their folks..something mature adults realize that they can't expect for life. They might not be ready for a long, possibly permanent relationships because the longest they've ever gone out with someone is probably 4 years (high school assuming they dated the same person the whole time). Also ,someone at that age is still in a state of emotional and physical growth.They could OUTGROW a relationship. The person could be a diffirent person at 19 than he or she was at 18!


By 24, I'm sure you've been independant for a while now. You know how to look after yourself properly,(I hope).More importantly, you've some sense of identity. You're not given in fads like teenagers are because you know what you like and what you don't. Teenagers tend to be trendy because they are still trying to find out who they are and what's their thing.


So getting involved with an 18 year old may not be such a good idea, since she most probably doesn't even know what she wants. And she can easily change her mind a year from now. But in a couple of years, I think she'll be ok to date, for a 24 year old. Anyways, just an opinion.

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Bobby Dygytul

LOL your silly Paulie. I can't get rid of her, i already have feelings for her. But i am a little afraid that i'll get my heart hurt again. I have had my heart broken so many times by other ladies, that it kinda scares me when i start to like someone. She has such a wonderful personality and she is very pretty. (she looks alot like Meg Ryan) She sometimes seems too perfect to be true. I promised myself after the last time i got hurt, that i would never open myself up to anyone ever again. But i like her soo much that i beleive that i could possibly give it one more try if everything turns out good later on between me and her.


HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! (sorry, im watching that movie :"me, myself and irene," its crazy as hell!!! he just took a dump in his neighbor's yard!! hahahah)




Damn, Bobby, you gotta be out of your mind!!!


Don't you dare get rid of her! What are you, crazy? Have some sack, and go for it. Just be careful, she's young. If you do get rid of her, at least send her over my way. My e-mail address is <e-mail address removed>



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Bobby Dygytul

Thank you for your opinion. But i think im gona go for it anyway. I have known her for almost a year now and she doesn't act like most 18 YO's do. She is very mature and she is very independant. She works at a bank (same as me)and she just bought herself a new Mustang. If i don't try, then i might sit here in like 10 years wishing that i would have. Well anyway, thanks for your opinion.


Bobby Bobby Bobby, Dygy Dygy Dygy


At age 24 I think anything under 20 is too young. It's all matter of mind set more than anything.


At 18, someone's probably just got out of high school,or maybe still in it. There's not a lot of time develop independance or maturity yet. They still rely on their parents a lot, they still may not pay their own bills.They still are used to being "looked after" by their folks..something mature adults realize that they can't expect for life. They might not be ready for a long, possibly permanent relationships because the longest they've ever gone out with someone is probably 4 years (high school assuming they dated the same person the whole time). Also ,someone at that age is still in a state of emotional and physical growth.They could OUTGROW a relationship. The person could be a diffirent person at 19 than he or she was at 18! By 24, I'm sure you've been independant for a while now. You know how to look after yourself properly,(I hope).More importantly, you've some sense of identity. You're not given in fads like teenagers are because you know what you like and what you don't. Teenagers tend to be trendy because they are still trying to find out who they are and what's their thing. So getting involved with an 18 year old may not be such a good idea, since she most probably doesn't even know what she wants. And she can easily change her mind a year from now. But in a couple of years, I think she'll be ok to date, for a 24 year old. Anyways, just an opinion.

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Hell, yeah, go for it!!! What do you have to lose??? If it doesn't work out, at least maybe she'll loan you her Mustang...and that may be worth all the effort just in itself!!!

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