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Why does he think he's "friend zoned"?


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I have been friends with this guy for quite sometime now, but I told him from the getgo that I wanted to be just friends with him. I have helped him out multiple times, but see I help everyone out and I have extreme loyalty to my friends, and I am just naturally like that. Well we never really hang out, but everytime we see each other he is always trying to get with me someway. He is always flirting with me, and always saying things like "Hey, wanna go in this bathroom and you know ;)" or "Hey wanna makeout?" or "Hey we can get a nice hotel for the night, and have some fun", lol! I always reject and deny him, but in a nice way and he still chose to talk to me.



In one of my drunken stupors he texted me like 3 weeks ago and all I said was "I care a lot about you" but I never said I was in love with him or anything like that. Well I had to pick him up one night at 2am cause his car broke down and he works late shifts, so we both were sober, but anyways he kept on saying to me "Thank you so much, Bethany! I love you" He repeated that over and over. I wouldn't say I love you back cause I didn't want to give the wrong impression. Then he gently put his hand on the back of my neck and I laughed and like playfully tapped his hand, I didn't push it away! But he quickly grabbed his hand back and he said "Did you just friend zoned me?" I thought he was joking so I just laughed and he said it again and he was legit mad about it. I said "What do you mean?" He said "You bared your feelings to me and your undying love for me, but yet you friend zoned me?" and by "baring my feelings" he meant that one night when me and him were texting and I was drunk and the only thing that was remotely close was I said "I care a lot about you"


Why would he think I am friend zoning him now? When I never flirted, kiss, or had sex with the guy since the day I met him. I have been nothing but platonic with Nate. I told him since day 1 that we are just friends, so why did he get all angry like that? I feel bad if he has feelings for me and if it was like a boiling point for him. I don't know, what do you think? I need validation on this, cause I don't know if the problem is him or me? Thank you!

Edited by BrunetteBabe1005
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He's friendzoned himself by not listening. He clearly ignored your repeated requests to keep it platonic and therefore he's not respecting your boundaries. You need to spell it out clearly what you want with him. If it's friends then tell him that you both are just friends and won't ever be more. It's up to him to decide how he's going to handle it. Get it over with sooner rather than later to save any more uncomfortable situations....


It sucks when two people, who otherwise get on so well together, do not feel the same about one another. I was in a similar situation myself. I was the guy who was crazy about the girl but she only liked me as a friend. I had to end it because it was getting too painful to remain friends. It was the only logical choice from a ****ty situation. Who knows, maybe in time we can be friends when these feelings dissipate...


If he cannot reconcile with you on this, you are best to let him go so he can ween off you so he can find someone else because it's only going to get worse from here on out unless you sort it asap.

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