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Should I trust him?

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Yes you are right deathandtaxes but he isnt a cheater, his exgirlfriend (another girl, real gf) cheat on him and it almost took a year to get over her he said so Im pretty sure he doesnt contacted his former fwb for sex...


I need to comment on the above too: being cheated on simply does not guarantee that one won't cheat themselves.


Case in point - A dear friend of mine had his marriage end in shambles when his wife of 12 years had an affair. It took him a long, long time to move past that. Guess who cheated on his next girlfriend, not once, but several times?

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I need to follow your advice and I will even if it means losing him, because honesty and trust is so important in a relationship. Like you said deathandtaxes: I need to clear the air :eek:


Just see it as a bandaid, you need to rip it off in one smooth movement, otherwise it will hurt more.


His actions are questionable, so you have the right to ask. I doubt he would tell you spontaneously he is in contact with his ****buddy.


A little jealousy in a relationship is normal, so you have the right to ask. If he flips out, than you have your awnser. He is hiding something and wants you to feel bad.


If he tells you honestly he is in contact, you can tell him you are not really enthusiastic about it. Tell him it makes you feel uncomfortable.


If he tells you he is not in contact with any ex/FWB what so ever, dump him on the spot. No need for an explanation. You deserve better.


So there you go, 3 options when you do pop the question.


Not asking the question = tormenting yourself. So this is not an option.

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Eternal Sunshine

Normally I would agree that's fishy but I am not so sure.


My former FWB also contacts me with no initiation from me. He keeps in touch with "How are you?" or "What did you get up to over the holidays?" and just small talk like that. He has also been in a committed relationship for the last few months. We met through OLD website 2 years ago and have no mutual friends. I know that he is not "into me" and there is no flirting involved.

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hi guys its been awhile but I wanted to give you an update you can work with :p


I asked him about her and he said it didnt meant anything..


They still like things on each others facebook but Im kinda okay with that.

But 2 days ago we were at a party and he saw her kissed her on the cheek and started talking. I was standing next to them and he didnt introduced me to her?! Their conversation stopped when one of her friends joined them and took her to the other side of the bar. Later on my bf ex walked by and my bf gave her a highfive and when she walked by again later he made a silly face. The most awkward moment was when she was talking to one of his friens and my bf was giving her a highfive again en wanted to join the conversation, standing really close to them but they didnt show any attention so he made a joke with a guy who was standing with them like he wanted their (her?) attention, 1 min later she walked away and he did came back standing with me.. I was like: Why are you doing this in front of me?!


I felt like he was being sweet to me en kissed me when she was around but when she was out of sight he was checking up on where she was.. Maybe I am imagining it because I am insecure about them?


Later that night I also saw his two other exes were at the party but he didnt started a conversation with them, he only said 'Hey'.


Am I overreacting? Advice please... :o

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