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What Shall I Do Now?

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Kinda a long story, but, heres the short version:


New girl at work in my dept, i express an interest and we flirt, i eventually call/txt her asking her out, she makes time for me we go out and have fun, go round her house a few times on a sat night to watch dvds, everytime i left she'd hug me tight and kiss me on the cheek, went round christmas eve cos i bought her and her daughter a present and then left again she hugged me for ages and kissed my cheek.


She knows how i feel for her but new years eve she txt a mate of mine who works at our place but in a different dept saying happy new year, he txt back sayin same to you maybe in 2005 youll find out how (me) really feels about you, she then replied sayin i know how he fels but he knows it isnt gonna happen, were just mates. he then txt back but she didnt reply.


I txt her the nxt day and was just so confussed by this that i just asked her outright, are we just friends or is there something more? and she told me that were just friends, i was obviously gutted by this but at least i knew and could move on. the following days she'd be talking to me and still flirting like before and we probably chatted more than we ever had done before and it felt good. The other day she spoke to my friend and he later told me what happened which was, he said why didnt u txt me back before? she replied i couldnt get into a conversation with u about it that night, the thing is i would go out with him (me) but its hard because we work together, however if it was someone like you (by that i think she means different depts) then i would because it wouldnt be as awkward.


so that leads us upto fri 7 where well was just kinda playin round, but she says to me ur a bit quiet today, i say yeah well cant get a word in edgeways with u can i, she laughs about it, then she says thought u was my friend and i reply with yeah i WAS, she looked shocked but we still had a laugh, played on it for a while then eventually she sits nxt to me and says so youve gone from loving me to hating me? and i say yeah well things change, and she frowned and raised her eyebrows at me, now ive not txt or spoke to her since then and today weve not spoke at all, she knew i was only messin and jokin but i think she maybe annoyed with me cos i didnt txt her this weekend and thinks ive fallen out with her.


Im just confussed by the girls behaviour at the beggining it was really good and it felt like maybe it would of gone somewhere, but i don know if its because she doesnt want to just yet or not, i know she likes me from the things that happened before and she knows how i feel, i just really dont know how to play it anymore i just feel at the minute im at the stage where i dont know whether to carry on as i was before or just move on and forget about her, i really feel likes shes been so ungratefull with me and was just using me?


if shes the same with me tommorow i.e ignorring me, what then? im just tryin to play it whereas if she wants me shell call/txt/speak to me, ive made the running in the past so why should i bother now, she knows how i feel, its her problem surely, not mine?


Question is: what should i do? forget and move on? or stick with her as a friend in the hope she may just not be ready for anything right now and was just letting me down gently, she knew how good it was in the beggining? Any advice appreciated.

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I would tell her that you have feelings for her and it would be hard for you to be friends with her with that in the back of your mind. Then move on and try to get over her. Trying to be friends with a girl in the hope that you'll wind up together down the road probably fails 99% of the time. Sorry.

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You were too nice in the beginning and got stuck in the friends zone. When you were messing with her on Friday (" then she says thought u was my friend and i reply with yeah i WAS") you sparked her interest but I think took it a little too far and kind of pissed her off.


Just wait a bit. She'll probably contact you again. If/when she does, play it off somewhere between how you were in the beginning and how you were on Friday. Be a playful d!ck. :D


Then next time she kisses you on the cheek, for the love of God man, kiss her then and there. She'll either turn away or kiss you back, at which point you'll have all the info you need.

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Thanks for the replies so far, its just hard to find time to chat with being in the same department at work, i dont know whether to ask if i can go round to her place one night after work to have a chat about things? I dont want to fall out with her or vice-versa but shes making it difficult by just not talking to me and saying to someone ive fallen out with her when i havent at all, im just trying to move on, if she wants something to happen then thats for her to come and tell me now.

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Another things also, would i be seen as weak if i txt/approach to talk to her first? or am i just playing a silly game without realising it, or is she playing a game with me to see if i will crack first? im so confussed.

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