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An overabundance of tats on a woman

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I don't mean to be so "anti-Tattoo" here (esp for those who do this), but honestly, I'm seeing a HUGE leap, even with women in my age dating demographic, of women getting an overabundant amount of tats on their body.


I'm sorry, it's just a big turn off. Remember back in the day where women had cute, small, obscure tats on the ankle, wrist, or a small one on their shoulder blade.....where they still looked feminine?


Now they are starting to look like someone from an area of a carnival. Sleeve tats, tats that cover the entire torso, ribcage, etc. They look like they've just gotten out of the lock-up sometimes.


Okay, to the question, how many here are turned off by the exorbitant amount of tats people give themselves? Is it a deal breaker for you?

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I find them to be a huge turn off, and potential deal-breaker, they just don't look good IMO.


Would I rather look at a woman's beautiful peachy skin, or try and decipher a chinese proverb that she read on a place mat in a restaurant? Or see her ex-boyfriend's name? Or look at a picture of someone's head being boiled in a cauldron? Or admire the ivy growing up her arms and across her boobs?


I can understand why somebody with a skin problem would conceal it with a tattoo, but from a visual attraction point of view, I'd rather look at an extensive scar, birthmark or area of acne scarring.


And I cannot fathom for the life of me why someone would have one over their best sexual features either. What was Cheryl Cole thinking?


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Its the whole Hollywood, Kat Von D, reality tatt TV.....etc etc etc.


I'm neither here nor there about it. I have a few small ones that you speak of, I wouldn't personally go full sleeve or cover an entire body part.


I have a friend who did her entire back and thigh. Looks great....for her, but not my thing.

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I prefer few to no tats on a woman. (or even a man) the most attractive thing to me is clean smooth youthful skin.


Some tattoo's are fine. The only exceptions I would make would be if the tattoo's have some authentic cultural significance.

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I'm into tattoos, if they have a meaning. I'm interested when I meet someone with a tattoo to find out why they got it. If it's just some random picture they chose off the sheet in the parlour then I'd slightly question their decision making abilities, because can't for the life of me imagine why you'd want some generic thing that means nothing to you in your skin forever! Each to their own, though.


I have four tattoos. One on my shoulder blade, and one on each upper arm, both running almost the length of my upper arm. I'd never get anything below the elbow and I'm almost done with them anyway, and a tiny tiny discrete one behind my ear that's invisible unless I choose to show it to someone. I absolutely love them, all four represent four very special parts of my life that have been huge loves for either a decade or my whole life, things that have happened to me that I wouldn't be the same person without. I know they'll look crap when I'm older so I would only ever have gotten something with deep meaning. I'm so proud of them and it's exciting to wake up every day and see them on me, because of what they symbolise to me.


Of course I'd never judge anyone for not wanting to date me just because of my tattoos, it's a very personal preference :) I'm quite a girly girl, feminine, slim, always take care of my makeup, hair, nails, clothes. And yet I have these huge black tattoos, I quite like the incongruence.


You have to be extremely cautious because of course, once they're there, they're there for good (barring 'removal' which is often expensive, painful and leaves scar tissue and faded remnants in most cases). I don't want too many more as I think you get to a point where you're just collecting tattoos, the meaning of each one is further diluted with the addition of another, and being covered in tonnes of random tattoos is NOT a good look!

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There is an inverse/proportion relationship between the apparent beauty of a woman and how she looks with tattoos. I know a lot of women (and men) whose tattoos probably add to their appeal.

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I think it depends on how many, how big, what colour etc. I don't mind tattoos but they can look awful.


I used to box with a guy who was covered pretty much from shoulder to toe in that expensive, shaded blue style. I imagined sex with him would have been like bedding a character from Avatar. Just weird.

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Have seen a lot of girls my age with lots of tattoos. Sometimes it looks good - other times not so much. Depends on the girl.

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I've dated girls that had a lot of tattoos. I personally have no problem with them, as long as it's not too much. Maybe like one sleeve is good, but both arms? Nah, that's too much for me.


I particularly like looking at girls and noticing a tattoo at surprising locations. Such as on an eyelid, on the backside of an earlobe, between fingers and/or toes, or on the back of the knee.

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I don't mean to be so "anti-Tattoo" here (esp for those who do this), but honestly, I'm seeing a HUGE leap, even with women in my age dating demographic, of women getting an overabundant amount of tats on their body.


I'm sorry, it's just a big turn off. Remember back in the day where women had cute, small, obscure tats on the ankle, wrist, or a small one on their shoulder blade.....where they still looked feminine?


Now they are starting to look like someone from an area of a carnival. Sleeve tats, tats that cover the entire torso, ribcage, etc. They look like they've just gotten out of the lock-up sometimes.


Okay, to the question, how many here are turned off by the exorbitant amount of tats people give themselves? Is it a deal breaker for you?



Not a huuge fan of many tats, but it also depends on how it's done. If the art work looks amazing then I can handle it.


I had one boyfriend with one tattoo on his arm. I briefly dated maybe 2 other guys who had tattoos, one had one on his chest and arm and the other on his back. You couldn't see any of their tattoos unless they took their shirts off or had on something with no sleeves. But besides that I haven't dated someone with lots of tattoos, although I have been attracted to men with more visible tats, so it just depends on how it looks.


If you have a face or neck tattoo...err...no!


However, I'm not super strict about tattoos. I like a more clean cut look normally but a little edge is fine and it just depends. I don't have any tattoos myself but some of my gfs do but most of their tats are covered. One has one down her spine, it looks pretty hot. One of them has one behind her ear, one on her wrist, one on her anke, one in the upper part of her back, all of their tats look good and tasteful. I've also seen women with lots of tats and while it isn't my taste it doesn't automatically look unattractive or unfeminine to me necessarily. But with piercings and tats there is something I like about it being a bit mysterious where you can get peeks of it in unexpected places or only if you undress.

Edited by MissBee
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I don't have any and don't like to see them on women (I'm straight btw).


On a man I don't mind one or two but huge tattoos would be a turn off.

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The only place where I rather see any form of tattoos on a woman is either around her stomach area or her back. Even then, they can't be huge to the point where I had to be blind not to see them.


Despite this, I do prefer women who has no tattoos at all. Outside of ball-point pen ink, there will be no form of permanent ink on my skin for as long as I live.

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I have a medium sized black shaded rose up the inside of my thigh. It has no special meaning - it's body art. It's a decoration. No significance whatsoever.


I love it, and think it's pretty. Fits my style well, and is easily concealed by most clothes. I can understand that tattoos can be a turn off for many, but just like hairstyles, clothing choices etc - I do it for me, not for others. If I like it, that's all that matters. I think calling it "dumb" is pretty silly.


Different strokes. Some people find girls with tatts hot, others find it gross. Same goes with everything really.

Edited by almond
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A while ago I was coming out of the grocery store and I saw a young woman in a short dress with vines and flowers tattooed on her legs and I just thought "why?"


Just wear some freaking floral stockings if you want flowers on your legs. Don't get a huge tattoo.

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Tats make me think of the lower classes,I don't mind lower classes everyone is human,but it's what I think when I see lots of tats.

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I can handle a sleeve, and most tattoos. But no prison or ghetto stuff. No neck tattoos, and especially now chest tattoos, you know the ones that go across the chest? But then again, they are probably not into me since I don't have any. It's all good.

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To each his own I guess. A women's beauty isn't defined by what she chooses to do with her body however I find women with tattoos incredibly sexy. I'm a male with a few rather large tattoos and honestly if someone considers me low class without ever meeting due to a few body modifications then so be it.

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I'm willing to bet that in a few short years, the tattoo craze will boil over the same way most fashion trends do. The only problem for individuals who were short-sighted enough to cover themselves with tattoos is that they don't have the option of doing away with this particular fashion trend the same way they would with any other one, i.e. emptying their closets and starting anew.

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I'm willing to bet that in a few short years, the tattoo craze will boil over the same way most fashion trends do. The only problem for individuals who were short-sighted enough to cover themselves with tattoos is that they don't have the option of doing away with this particular fashion trend the same way they would with any other one, i.e. emptying their closets and starting anew.


Ahh yes, a "fade" that's been going on for thousands of years. Any day now I guess lol

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Ahh yes, a "fade" that's been going on for thousands of years. Any day now I guess lol


I'm not denying that people have been tattooing themselves since time immemorial; I'm simply asserting a truth that anyone with an ounce of common sense can recognize, namely that tattoos have only been considered socially acceptable for at best the past two decades. Prior to this time, the only people who had tattoos (with few exceptions) got them while serving in a military branch, or they were prostitutes, certain musicians, criminals. It has NOT been considered socially acceptable nor desirable for middle/upper-middle class women (or men, for that matter) to have tattoos for all that long. Given the number of people I've encountered who by the ripe old age of 30 already regret most if not all their tattoos, yes, I would gladly place money on the popularity of tattoos to diminish in the years to come.

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I've never understood why someone should care what's socially acceptable? I mean not too long ago it wasn't socially acceptable for white people to befriend black people. Social acceptance has always bordered on the edge of stupidity, confining yourself to a box so others won't look at you shamefully. I'm clean shaven, educated and can cover all of my tattoos if need be and yet somehow I'm low class due to an tattoo? No criminal record, no drug use, intelligent and hardworking all goes out the window because I altered my body?

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