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Not returning phone calls

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Oh...ya i have the same rule. Its a carma thing. It will come back to bite

you in the end. Er...i was hammered when i wrote that last post lol :)


I think you should still avoid the original girl, she seems like she is kinda

flaky when it comes to what she wants. Just go fishing a bit more. There

are lots of sexy and smart ladies in college. See whats out there before

you get all into just one. I made the mistake of falling for one and waiting

like 10 years for her to like me. In the end, they either do or the dont.


For a rule of thumb. 3 months is around the limit you should wait things out.

By that time you either:


- are going out


- are just friends


- are seeing someone else.


Not saying that is the perfect rule, but its a pretty decent template.

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Kinda newish here, am from west Yorkshire btw, saw ur post n thught i'd reply.

7on, u seem to be a little like me, or rather i seem to be in a similar situation to you.


Firstly i think you need to completely forget about girl number 1 - shes not worth it, n its her loss at the end of the day.

Secondly you shouldnt feel so guilty bout sleepin with girl number 2, as i spose it wasn't rly ur fault. You didnt kno her current situation, altho i guess u coulda asked b4 hand, but then again who does?


Im kinda in the same situation that u was with girl number 1 - btw hope you dont mind me postin mine up!!!!


Okay, theres this guy i really like, n i thought he was liking me too, things seemed to be really progressing. I've been seeing him for about just over 2 months (dating), and it started by him getting my number, then us txting each other, then actually seeing each other. We were seeing each other about once a week, but we'd talk more or less everyday, he'd maybe ring for a chat, or we'd send each other a txt.


Hes told me on a number of occasions that he does really like me (more than a friend), and wants to go out with me (relationship) but said hed rather get to kno me 1st, which is what we've been doing.

When we're actually with each other, it feels like we're a couple, we normally end up all over each other, and hes normally quite cuddly and kissy and just generally affectionate, with things getting a bit steamy a couple of times too.

I've stayed with him the night b4 now, ive met his family, and some of his friends, and hes met some of mine. We've had the talk about emotions, ex partners n sexual history too, which we seemed to click with.


I can be quite insecure, which he seems to have noticed, and had reassured me before that he does really like me etc. I also know for a fact that hes turnt down sex with other girls too, genreally it was progressing with us... or so i thought...


...However over the last week or two, we've barely spoken to each other. I've txt him, which i got no reply to, but then he did briefyl reply to a meassage i then sent later. I briefly then spoke to him the other night, and i txt him, telling him to give me a call, to which ive heard nothing since. The times we have spokne on the phone since tho, i can just tell somethings not right, he jus seems different with me, distant almost.


I don't really know what to do, shall i just leave him and let him now contact me (which i dont wanna do, cos im scared he wont), or shall i leave it a few days and contact him, see if he wants to do something, to see what reply i get?

I really dont know where i stand with him right now. Although we wern't a couple, i would have said that we were more than friends, now if feels like he don't wanna know me.

I mean, is he still into me? (dont get why else he'd turn away sex). Has he changed his mind? (thats why hes not contacting me, but then i don't get how some1 can change there mind within a day, which is what it was.) Is he fed up of doing the chasing? ( and hes wanting me to do it. If that is the case, then why isnt he responding to me?) OR am i just totally over reacting and reading into nothing?


I wanna know if im wasting my time, cos i do generally really like him, and i wanna know where i stand with him, whther nething is gonna come of it, or whether he has even changed his mind, but i don't know how do go about doing it. I don't know what to do!


Any advice would be great.


Btw 7on, sorry to come hijack ur thread, hope u dont mind. Jus sounded really familiar when i read ur post


Thanks x

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I dont really know to be honest with you. If it were me in your shoes, i'd probably wait a few days and contact him. If hes still the same wih you, then for get him, move on and find someone else


The saying goes, plenty more fish in the sea


Sorry, know im not that much help


Tammy x

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