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I'm feeling sad about something that happened.Today I was on the net and came across an article about an earthquake in India.It said that some people were killed. Ever since,the tears came down very fast.I can't stop crying.I have a pen pal from India and we became very close friends.I just recently snail mailed him a letter with 2 pictures of me a few days ago. What a big dissapointment,it was a start of a baeutiful friendship.I hope he's ok.I hope nothing happened to him during this earthquake.He means alot to me.

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The chances of anything having happened to him are very slim. You know his town. Get a map. See if his town is located near the epicenter of the earthquake. If not, he probably just got some minor shock. If he is in the town where the quake was centered, only a very tiny percentage of people died. They are still digging through rubble for survivors.


For up to date information and to get the names of towns stuck hardest, go to the following web address:




I urge you to change your depression to appropriate sadness for the victims. If you find that something happened to your penpal, that will be very unfortunate. But in life it's not a good idea to mourn that which we are not sure of in advance.


I pray that your new friend is OK. Depending on when you mailed your letter and which routing it took, it may have been destroyed. Let's see if he gets it.

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Do you know what city he's in? I hope he's alright. If he was nearby and suffered any loss, it will be comforting that you're there for him to write to.

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