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Why do I attract these losers?

Special K

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I was very loosely seeing this guy for about a month or so when he all of a sudden acted like a complete immature jerk one evening at a party.


Since then, I haven't seen him other than at gatherings with a group of mutual friends. He emails me occationaly just to ask how I'm doing, to which I politely reply. Technically he's only apologised in his emails, which I think is a total coward thing to do.


Anyway, he called me up the other day. He was being all peachy and nice to me, obviously he wants to try and get together again. He even asked me to go to a movie or something soon. I was insulted by the fact that he even had the nerve to ASK me this, considering what an a**h*** he had been that evening at the party. So, I told him that if we ever were to go out somewhere it would be with a group of friends. He said, "Oh, come on. I don't want to see your friends, I want to see you." I'm just guessing why he wants us to be alone.


So, anyway, what I ended up doing was telling him that I would get back to him on it before Saturday, which is tomorrow. I really don't even feel like calling him. Should I just NOT call or what? Please get back to me on this!! Thanx!

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Hi Special K,


It seems like he made a mistake by being a jerk, and now he realizes that he likes you.


You didn't say whether you still liked him or not. No matter what he says or how much he wants to see you, if you don't like him anymore, don't lead him on. Politely and kindly tell him your feelings.


No one likes rude people, so DO call saturday to turn down his offer to hang out.


I'm suggesting you handle things in a kind manner also because you never know, you may start liking him again, and what goes around comes around.


Good luck! :)

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I think you should keep your word and call him. But be very firm and leave no guessing as to where you stand and why. Let him know how you feel about his behavior at the party. Also let him know that while you are favorably disposed to accepting his lame Email apologies, you are not inclined to want to get together with him after seeing how he acts around people.


Just shoot straight with him. If you don't call him, the issue will still be unresolved. Just give him a buzz and shoot straight with him. Maybe you can talk things out, maybe no, but at least the matter will be handled.


Not keeping your word about calling him is rude and at least one of you has got to take the high road on this.

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I agree with Tony on this one. Keep your word and let him know exactly where you stand. Otherwise, he might just keep on calling you until he hears things straight from you. I wonder exactly what he did that turned you off. Regardless of what it was, if it disgusted you then you have every right not to meet him. However, a clear direct message over the phone is required to set your position straight.

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