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Here is Luke again

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For those who remember my dilemma, I confessed to my girl about my huge mistake in Amsterdam, and told her that she deserved to know, and it was up to her what to do. I asked her for forgiveness. She was quiet all the time, then stepped out and left.


She called me this morning at work, and told me that she loves me, and believes that whatever happened was a huge mistake, and we should stick to each other, provided that going forward, there will be no lies or betrayal.


I can not believe that she has such a good heart. I thought it was over. But I feel so guilty even though she forgave. What can I do, to prove to her my love and appreciation for the kindness she showed???

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Don't think you're out of the doghouse yet. She's now got a lot of time to talk to her friends and let her imagination run wild. Don't be surprised if this doesn't have such a cheery ending as you anticipate...but I will pray it does.


Doing anything special beyond your normal conduct will signal to her that you feel guilty as hell. Just carry on normally as if nothing happened. You might just let her know how grateful you are for her forgiveness and let it go at that.


You have my absolute guarantee that you haven't heard the last of this. The first mistake of any kind you make in this relationship, you will hear a lot more. You just gave her a nice fat deposit in her memory bank that she can use on you at her leisure. So you better watch your every move, behave yourself, and treat her really well.


I know I'm the only one who told you not to tell her...but I think it was fine that you did. I am still baffled as to what purpose it served and what positive good came out of the disclosure...but I am really dense about some things I guess. I guess your conscience is cleared...if so, that's good.


Probably the best thing you can do to show your sincere regret for what you did is not to do it again.

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