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Type A all my life... And now lazy?

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I am a grad student, and I am experiencing some frustration lately in my studies because I am just so darn unmotivated and lazy. I can barely get myself to pay attention in class. It's not just school that I have become lazy with… All other aspects of my life are now very relaxed. I am 24 years old, and I started noticing that I was losing my type A, super motivated personality around the age of 22.


This is just a major contrast with how I have been throughout my entire life. When I was doing my undergraduate degree, and even when I was a kid, I was perfectionistic almost to a fault. I was like a machine, always on the go, always trying to be productive. And whenever I was home, I was studying. I also developed an eating disorder that lasted about five years… I was super strict with my diet and exercise.


I think things started to change when I met my current boyfriend. We met two years ago, and ever since then, I have felt really calm and at ease, and I am not as anxious anymore. I don't know if any of this has anything to do with meeting him or not.


I just don't know what to do. I don't want to go back to being miserable, but I want that super ambitious fire inside of me to come back. Before, I could not sit still. Now, I am perfectly content just studying for a couple hours and then laying in bed and relaxing all night. I have also gotten to the point where I don't really care much about my diet, and I only exercise once or twice a week. Not of these things are unhealthy, but I just wish I was the way I used to be. Has anyone else experienced such a drastic personality change in their 20s?

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