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Do I call again or not. Age old question.

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I happened to reconnect with an old college friend of mine a couple of months ago. I always liked her but had lost contact for years.


She had invited me to a dinner party at her house a few weeks ago and while I was there I saw the signs that she was interested so a couple of weeks later I invited her and her son over for pizza and a movie with me and my son.


I had no plan of anything happening just wanted to rekindle a friendship and possibly see if there was any romantic interest. Well she ended up spending the night and talked about wanting a relationship but we should take things slow.


For the next week she was blowing up my phone with daily messages so I asked her out for dinner, like an official date. After a small freak out session on her part trying to respond with a "I would love to." but her phone was not letting her messages to me go through she ended up finding me on FB to appologise that her phone was not working, even so much as to send me a picture of her phone failing the messages she was sending.


Ok kind of cute but a bit needy. I assured her it was fine and that we should go out on sunday. She needed to check with her sitter but thought that would be fine.


The next day I sent her a message just saying hi. Nothing. So I waited a day and gave her a call and left a voice mail saying I was just trying to touch base. Nothing.


That was tuesday it is now saturday and I have not heard anything from her. Do I give it one more shot. I did find myself a sitter for sunday night so I could take her out. Or do I just chaulk it up as a done deal?

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If for no other reason then to confirm in advance whether you will need the sitter, I'd reach out to firm up tomorrow's plans. If she is having trouble getting a sitter since the kids know each other perhaps your sitter can watch both kids.

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Send her a FB message or an email confirming the details of your date since she's having problems with her phone. Maybe it's affecting both texting and voice mail. Besides some people (like me) are terrible about checking voicemail.


She seems a little flakey or disorganized, maybe both...so, cautious optimism. Maybe it's just bad luck at a very inopportune time. Or maybe she's changed her mind. Some daters are direct when that happens. Others develop elaborate scenarios and issues before they cancel at the last minute or go AWOL into a communications black hole and fall off the face of the planet. Since you're paying for a sitter, have a back up plan to have a fun evening if she's a no-show.

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I sent a message to confirm and got a "Im at the beach with my parents, raincheck?"


Luckily the sitter I arranged is my sons mom so I get a night off to myself.


I think I will just leave the ball in her court. I'm not exactly lacking in dating material. I'm thinking things went too fast too soon and she got a bit nervous. Oh well.

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