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When you get no justice legally?


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Depends on the threat and/or injustice.


I've been frustrated at the bench enough over the decades to empathize but generally just file it away under 'opportunity' and move on. Once in a great while an opportunity materializes and retribution is swift and harsh. In some cases that's been years later. I have a memory like an elephant.


IMO, the key is to not dwell on 'revenge', but gain understanding of effective retribution and file it away.


Of course, exigent threats should be met immediately. Don't dawdle or negotiate there. If the 'process' leaves your physical safety in peril, take whatever steps necessary to neutralize the threat. Deal with the justice part of it later.

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Thanks Cahill. The problem is you can be right, but if you don't have sufficient evidence, you can't do much. And it seems the person with the best lawer wins, not necessarily the victim. This guy assaulted me and years later stalked me- (in person so couldnt really prove anything) and asked me if I remembered him with a huge smile on my face. The thing with sexual assault is it's my word against his.

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Thanks Cahill. The problem is you can be right, but if you don't have sufficient evidence, you can't do much. And it seems the person with the best lawer wins, not necessarily the victim. This guy assaulted me and years later stalked me- (in person so couldnt really prove anything) and asked me if I remembered him with a huge smile on my face. The thing with sexual assault is it's my word against his.


Trust me when I say nobody gets away with ANYTHING. Every word spoken, every deed done...will ALL be accounted for. God merely allows evil do go temporarily unpunished so that we might have chance to repent. But this time will soon come to an end. God is just. These are not my own words. They were spoken by Jesus Christ, the only reliable source of information regarding God.

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Live a life that's peaceful free from him. That's your best revenge.


And do yourself a favor and see yourself as a survivor...not a victim. Because that is what you are.

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I call it as I see it, you were most definitely a Victim of a crime. The judicial system most likely failed . Retribution is rarely seen for victims of this type of antic/act. As sad as this sounds, it changes you and because of that you gained wisdom to be more cautionary in life. Get a protective order so he cannot harm you , as to your attitude, I applaud you for sharing it and moving thru the anger stage, its a part of the healing...In due time you will come to terms with the reality and place more trust in yourself then in the judicial system. Its a knee jerk reaction to want to harm another when such has been done, its an opportunity though to rise above and move away from that reaction in order to grow. (I know...boy do I know...)

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  • 1 month later...
Thanks Cahill. The problem is you can be right, but if you don't have sufficient evidence, you can't do much. And it seems the person with the best lawer wins, not necessarily the victim. This guy assaulted me and years later stalked me- (in person so couldnt really prove anything) and asked me if I remembered him with a huge smile on my face. The thing with sexual assault is it's my word against his.



My ex psycho would do pretty much anything and everything he could to make my life miserable. The victims assistance here where I lived suggested I begin to document everything no matter how small just document it. In the end it paid off big time! He would create accounts in my name to email threats to me, he would create accounts with diff social websites and posted pics he "stole" from my lap top of me in the nude and would put my complete address and phone number on this, as well as my parents and someone actually showed up at my parents home for me about 2 am. In the end I did get some justice. Not much by way of financial compensation but he did spend some time in jail for something minor. He wanted me raped or worse, he was wanting to put enough question or doubt with the police to make it seem like I was doing this to myself. Every time something happened I ended up at the police dept ( 911 was being used too much so each time there was an altercation I would go directly to the station to file a report) they assigned me an officer whom I would contact via email or phone when something occurred. When we went to court, the Judge and my Defender looked at my large three ring binder of information and was in awe of how detailed it was. It was only about 3-5 months of hell but doing what I did paid off. He got something and I got my freedom - it had gotten to the point where I had to requote an American Revolution Phrase



- give me peace or give me death-



he had disturbed me that much I was ready for anything.



good luck, don't lose hope.

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