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Does he still want 2 b with me?

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I've been seeing a guy for 5 months. He's a very closed alpha male and never expresses himself. I asked for a break 2 weeks ago as I was unsure about a few things. He contacted me after 4 days asking if I was ok and asked to come over. When he came over he noticed I had packed away his stuff (tooth brush, cds...)and he then went quiet on me.


We carried on on a break and he contacted me 5 days later. He came over, we had awesome sex, and we talked. i said we r not meeting each others needs and I certainly am not entering into a casual sex relationship. I asked him what he wanted and he said I don't really want a relationship with a smile on his face. I said ok, and nicely asked for my keys back and gave him his stuff back to take home. He got angered by this and seemed upset, I said to him I need them back if we r not together anymore...


So whilst I was packing his stuff up he said "I don't want this" under his breath and I said pardon but he wouldn't talk.


We left the house n he said "can we go for a drink in the week?" I said "babe I don't think u quite get this! Then I dropped him off and he said "I'll call u tonight!"


In the night he thought I was asleep n told me he loved me and cuddled into me.


I told him us staying friends and casual sex isn't going to work out. He says he doesn't want a girlfriend but for 5 months he has been the one that has shown me off to friends, practically moved in and asked to spend Xmas with me. He's set the pace.


I'm confused.

What do you all think?

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I think he may not have the words to tell you how he feels. If his prior actions told you he liked you, believe the actions.



If you can't be in a relationship with somebody who can't verbalize their feelings for you, leave this guy alone.

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