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meeting women not going well


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Hi, I love meeting new people, I'm on date sites etc but for some reason no-one chats, I'm a genuine nice guy but I'm not tall for one 5ft3, is height a problem for women? Im don't like being big headed about myself,


Any hints and tips

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Dont be hard on yourself about your height. There are great many ladys out there who like short.


Im going out with a gal that is 5'3" and I love it because it makes it easy for me to hug her and Im 5'9".

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My tip would be to keep going, and not let yourself get discouraged by rejection.


Some women aren't attracted to short men, tall men, overweight men, thin men, muscular men, men with dark hair etc. etc. It's just the way things are.


Eventually, you will find someone that likes you as you are. Keep searching, and enjoy your independence and free time while you have it. Strive to be happy as you are and with your current circumstances, and keep faith that someone will come along soon enough. Focus on your strong points, and continually work on self-improvement in the areas that matter to you.

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Height is a big factor for a lot of women especially on OLD sites. It's so easy to just press "next". But don't get hung up on it... I'm balding, divorced and pushing 40 yet I have no problem getting responses. You just have to find women who don't mind. There's plenty out there.


If you're not getting responses then it's because your pics and profile suck. That is what gets replies on OLD. If you have good pics and a good profile then you will get responses regardless of your height.

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OLD is a numbers game, ever hear of the law of averages.Every thing is about numbers.Look at the applications.some of the first things a woman sees is name age,build,height.I found that taking good photos can be more promising then the facts.women can be cruel, and deserving on these sites so don't beat you're self up.We all are shallow to a extent.

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