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Where is the best place to meet good women?


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I don't go to bars or clubs anymore, first because there is not the right place to find decent women,I've heard people going to libraries to find a date, but that's not the right place either, and I'm not going to church or any other religious place to find a date because I'm not religious and I don't want a religious woman either, spiritual maybe but religious hell no, so I have no idea, I could try online dating, but I don't now...

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What do you enjoy? Go out and do it, meet women there. Then at least you will have something compatible and a conversation starter from the start. Whether or not they are "good" is just a crap shoot though. You can meet a great woman picking out apples and the next day come across a sour apple in the same exact place.

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What do you enjoy? Go out and do it, meet women there. Then at least you will have something compatible and a conversation starter from the start. Whether or not they are "good" is just a crap shoot though. You can meet a great woman picking out apples and the next day come across a sour apple in the same exact place.



Hey Boston,

I have to agree with Philosoraptor, there are no guarantees out there anywhere in the dating world. It will be up to you to sort through and find what "good" is for you. Whether its OLD sites or hanging in coffee shops..... there is good and bad everywhere.


Good Luck

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I agree with Philosprapter -- you meet quality people doing things you enjoy.



There are specialized singles groups too which aren't as meet market-y as bars & singles parties. I liked one for dog lovers; you could bring your 4 legged friend as an ice breaker. There are ones for people who like various sports; a ski club around here is very active. I also had a lot of fun at a group that used to meet to play board games. See if you have any of those types of groups near you.



Work is another good place. I'm not talking about co-workers but who eats in the lunch places around your work site? Who gets morning coffee when you do? Open your eyes; you never know who you will see.

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Do things that you like doing and you'll meet women naturally.


Typically, without you even knowing or realizing it -- the things you like are a reflection of who you are as a person. Like goes with like.


For example, I'm an actor and a writer and overall, very much into the arts. I'm also a staunch liberal. If I were to go to an actor's showcase in the Village or an art gallery in the city, how many conservatives do you think will be in that group?


Coversely, let's say I was big on hunting, or going to shooting ranges, what then?


People have interests in things based on who they are at their core.


If you are a good person (in your mind) and do good things (by your standards) then you will find women who are like you just because of your built-in filter. You are doing things and going to places women like yourself are doing and going to.


I know my answer is not a sexy one -- the sexy choice being a one size fits all, physical location where men can go to meet quality women, but that's because no such place exists.

Edited by MrCastle
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Do things that you like doing and you'll meet women naturally.


Typically, without you even knowing or realizing it -- the things you like are a reflection of who you are as a person. Like goes with like.


For example, I'm an actor and a writer and overall, very much into the arts. I'm also a staunch liberal. If I were to go to an actor's showcase in the Village or an art gallery in the city, how many conservatives do you think will be in that group?



Thats very selective advice. Ive always found that people that give that advice, are usually in very good situations that allows them to interact with many women.


My hobbies are working in my yard, working on my house, drag racing my car at the track, and occasionally going to car shows. NONE of those are areas where single women frequent.


JUST because you do things you enjoy.....doesnt mean women will be there to interact with you. Its a crapshoot.

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My boyfriend and I just got home from a Meet Up hike... 5 guys and 14 women. I'm glad my guy is taken...by me.


We attend 2 or 3 Meet Up groups a week...dozens of active singles, couples of all ages.

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Thats very selective advice. Ive always found that people that give that advice, are usually in very good situations that allows them to interact with many women.


My hobbies are working in my yard, working on my house, drag racing my car at the track, and occasionally going to car shows. NONE of those are areas where single women frequent.


JUST because you do things you enjoy.....doesnt mean women will be there to interact with you. Its a crapshoot.


So do you think there is some magical place where all the single, high quality, good women frequent?

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Thats very selective advice. Ive always found that people that give that advice, are usually in very good situations that allows them to interact with many women.


My hobbies are working in my yard, working on my house, drag racing my car at the track, and occasionally going to car shows. NONE of those are areas where single women frequent.


JUST because you do things you enjoy.....doesnt mean women will be there to interact with you. Its a crapshoot.


Yes, most social events are going to be crapshoots to find someone you "click" with, even if you have things in common with that crowd.....


I think MrCastles' point is that you increase your chances of finding the one you "click" with by going to events or places that you are really keen about. If you are enjoying what you do or where you are, the positivity makes you attractive and helps you see others in a positive way as well.


I do not want to speak for Castle, but that is my take on his comments and I just happen to agree as well

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So do you think there is some magical place where all the single, high quality, good women frequent?


Definetly not....just pointing out that women do not always freaquent areas that men frequent. Usually the guy has to go to where they are.



My boyfriend and I just got home from a Meet Up hike... 5 guys and 14 women. I'm glad my guy is taken...by me.


We attend 2 or 3 Meet Up groups a week...dozens of active singles, couples of all ages.


I keep hearing people talk about meet-up groups as well. But those only work in metro areas. You will be hard pressed to find gatherings in regular suburbs. Ive checked it out myself, and they just dont exist near me.


As I said before.....LOCATION is the most important ingredient. If you dont live in or nearby a metro area, most of the ideas and advice that people give about meeting people here or there just doesnt work.

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My hobbies are working in my yard, working on my house, drag racing my car at the track, and occasionally going to car shows. NONE of those are areas where single women frequent.



You need to approach your hobbies a bit more broadly then. If you like working in your yard, do you go to garden shows? Are you a member of any gardening clubs?



If you like working on your house do you do to the free seminars many big box home improvement stores offer on Saturday mornings?



Have you tried showing off your car? More than one woman has "fallen in love with a hot car" & just gone out with the guy driving it because they were a package deal.



Even if the drag racing & car shows are more guys then girls, make new friends with some of the guys. See if they have hot sisters, sisters-in-law or women who are friends with their wives.

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