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Born again spinster


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No second chances for me boys & girls. The Ex finally text me after 2 days. His message was short to say the least.. Then i rang him back and asked why the hell has all this happened. No warning! Nothing


Remember I broke up with him last week. Thats because he didnt have the balls to breakup with me. All for the best though.


Anyway when I spoke to him he was being an arse. Left it at that. Then 10 minutes later he rang me back and appologised for being such a you know what!!!! Conversation basically concluded that he just didnt want to get married and that he wanted to be a batchalor for the rest of his life (liar). He said it was probably selfish of him what that and some control back in his life. I just hate him at the moment. My sadness has turned into anger and restment.


I know it will fade in time. Anyhow I"m hitting the town on Saturday nite. Pub crawling maybe a club after. I'm going to go out and have some fun.


But will be staying well clear of men for quite sometime I think and get some control back into my life!


It still hurts......

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Sorry for your situation..


Hope you have a great time out.. and taking back control of your own life, is always a good thing ;)

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