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Multivitamins make you hungry?

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I recently incorporated multivitamins to my diet due to a tibial stress fracture that may have been caused by deficiency.

Every since I started taking this multivitamin my appetite has increased tremendously, I don't recall ever eating this much and It's starting to worry me.

Upon online research I've come to find out that this is pretty common due to many reason 1. it may upset your stomach ultimately leading you to eat more in order the "Cushing" the pain. or 2. the extra "boost" of energy may lead you to eat more than you would otherwise. And I'm certain there are other reasons as well.

My plan is to perhaps take the multivitamin before going to bed. I must admit, I have a weak stomach and although I picked up a multivitamin that can be taken on an empty stomach, it still bothers me at times. The last thing I want is to wake up in the middle of the night with a stomach ache.

I'll give it a try and hopefully this will work. I can't continue to keep eating this much it's starting to worry me.

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This website may help you, if you hadn't seen it already:


Do Vitamins Increase Appetite?


I wish I could provide further help. I have honestly not had any hunger gains when taking a multivitamin. This article seems to point out something of interest.


I took Orange Triad. Amazing multivitamin

Not sure if it has anything to do with what type you take. ..

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I used to take orange triad and it never increased my appetite. Or perhaps I'm just anxious of being stuck at home with this injury subconsciously wishing I could be at the gym burning some calories.

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I used to take orange triad and it never increased my appetite. Or perhaps I'm just anxious of being stuck at home with this injury subconsciously wishing I could be at the gym burning some calories.


Could be. Orange Triad is definitely one of the best. The article I linked stated that it may be because of


deficiencies of many vitamins can cause a decreased appetite, so it is perhaps likely that feelings of increased hunger when taking vitamins may be due to previous deficiencies which when corrected mean that appetite returns to normal levels."


Could very well be this. Could be the stress you are now undergoing.

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That's a very interesting article and perhaps I'm starting to see the correlation with my loss of appetite due to BU, injury, taking vitamins and now increase in appetite.

When my ex broke up with my I couldn't eat anything, I lost a substantial amount of weight and became "comfortable" with not eating. Then came the injury at the gym and as per the doctor may have been caused due to "deficiency". Now, as I take these supplements my vitamin levels are sort of regulating themselves increasing my appetite. I feel as if I've made this colossal discovery connecting the dots lol

I would hate to discontinue the multi but will try to take them at night hopefully I won't wake up the following morning ready to devour the refrigerator.

Thank you for the article it has certainly put a lot into perspective.

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But eating can be a good thing. You're body probably wants to regulate enough to be slightly above normal levels, as to help you recover. Not eating for a while, that probably set your body into some mode, starvation mode? You have to eat a certain amount to avoid that...but usually with starvation mode you retain all you eat, so I think.

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I can certainly agree, when things were bad there was a point where I didn't eat for 4 days straight, I mean nothing, probably water here and there to keep me hydrated. And I wasn't doing it to purposely starve myself I just genuinely wasn't hungry at all, my mind was elsewhere. I had to force myself to eat a yogurt here and there nothing of substantial nutritional value. But now things are a little out of hand and I feel as if I'm going to the total opposite side of the spectrum. I'm coming to terms that I have an injury and all I can do is rest and allow it to heal so that I can go back to the gym and feel alive again.

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I hope you never allow another BU to bring you down like that again. Not truly worth it. What is worth it, is continuing to build yourself. Heal up, and get back into the gym, like you want. Add unto yourself. Feel that alive feeling, and attract more babe's than ever before.

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When an ex of mine wanted to eat more so that he could bulk up and gain muscles one of the first things he did was take multivitamins as it opened his appetite.


I take a women's multivitamin, but I haven't really experienced that effect; however, from my ex bf I know that's something that happens to other people as well.

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I know the feeling, the eating can certainly get out of hand. Sometimes I feel as if I'm making up for the many months I didn't eat.

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I've taken Life Extension vitamins for over twenty years and never noticed any increase in appetite. It could be that people take vitamins when they also start eating more mindfully and exercising with health in mind. They may have a slight calorie deficit which makes them hungry.

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