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25 and single

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Hello everybody.


I'm Jennifer (friends call me Jenna) and I'm 25 and single. However there is a guy that I like and I would love to be with him, as a couple of course. But I have some problems.


I'm a little overweight (about 50 pound to be exact) and that really affect my confidence. Don't know what to do right now :(


Please help :)

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You can either attempt to lose the weight to help yourself with your self image and risk not approaching him in time, or just ask him out now and see what happens.

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I suggest you try to work out first, work on your apperance, it not only make you look better also it gonna improve your confidence. And confidence is sexy. It will help you have better chance, dont rush

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Hi J and welcome. Exercise and diet? Sometimes larger people can wear the wrong sort of clothes. Tighter clothes tend to make a slimmer appearance. Get rid of anything baggy you have. But KFC is right, approach him, you could get knocked back or not? Always a risk.

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Hello everybody.


I'm Jennifer (friends call me Jenna) and I'm 25 and single. However there is a guy that I like and I would love to be with him, as a couple of course. But I have some problems.


I'm a little overweight (about 50 pound to be exact) and that really affect my confidence. Don't know what to do right now :(


Please help :)




First of all, judging from your photo, you look like a sweet girl. I like your smile :)


Second, have yo uapproached this guy as a friend? How about getting to know him as such?


My brother used to be 50-70 pounds overweight his whole life. Until 2 years ago. He made a plan with exercise and diet and now he has an amazing body. Finding an exercise that you like (I like pilates, burns around 200 calories per hour), and probably a good dietologist, you are going to make it! Do it for you, and everything else will come.

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Confidence is key.


If you need to shape up a bit to gain that confidence, then by all means, do so.


I know people like to claim that personality plays a huge part, and it sooooo does. However, your personality will never be looked at if you don't ask him out in confidence.

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I'm a nurse. You are not a little overweight but obese.


Can you run half a mile without falling over? Do 10 push ups? You are on a path to joint issues, diabetes, premature cardio vascular disease....death.


No need to be subtle and comment on a 'sweet smile'. If you do not change your lifestyle, you will not only stay obese but become morbidly obese. Your current diet means getter fatter...not just staying fat.


See your doctor. Stop associating with overweight people when not necessary....you do not need to hear that you have a nice smile and that a little piece of cake is ok. It isn't. You need to shed weight and be able to run a mile before a little piece of cake or a cookie is ok.


You have a serious medical issue to be obese at 25...major. You should be very concerned.

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