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Women who seek beyond their local area

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I recall having posting something here, forgot where it is...a woman in Meetup that had appeared at one of our events. I had mentioned she's not from our area had had traveled a good distance away from her town or residence (which is a big city) to go meet with us.


Very attractive, early 40's, nurse. Has a kid over the age of 18 and in college (empty nester).


Anyways, I get to talking to her and I had said to her that why come all the way here, when the city she is (which is quite large), come all the way out here to meet people?


She said too many men at her workplace are trying to date her and also many people in her town already KNOW her too well.


Apparently the idea of seeking "unchartered" territory is appealing to her. Also to note, her Meetup profile has her living in the city in which she is paying us a visit, NOT the city in which she currently resides.


During htis time, she had looked vaguely familiar..turns out she's on the online dating arena.


Saw her match.com profile and with those profiles there's a "side-by-side" of what she's looking for...to cut to the chase.


Ht requirement of 6 feet. (she's only 5'4"), income...100,000 to 125,000 a year!


Of course, Match.com lists her INCOME as an RN as well, 75,000 to 100,000. Though I haven't know RN's to make that much money, but I'm not in the medical field either.


OH, education requirement of her future mate "PhD ONLY" oh, and must be "Catholic". Talk about making Catholics look bad. lol


Her...a mere associates degree.


Also, she has a picture of her Mercedes amongst her profile pics


I'm taking a BIG wild guess that NONE of the men at that Meetup she went to had such a status or the looks she seeks, I guarantee it. lol

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Yes, RNs can make that kind of money, even with a 'mere' associate's degree.

This isn't about her traveling out of her 'territory', it's about her profile, and how you find it annoying. She has every right to her ridiculous preferences, as you have the right to ignore her.


It's fascinating that you've made a hobby out of dissecting profiles and making assumptions about the people behind them. Perhaps the same is being done of you?

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None of her prerequisites even matter really. You can still attract her based on what you say and how you play it, I promise. Pictures and message content are all that matter. Are you going to be mad if she chooses some guy who is earning 50k and is 5'7" after being mad about her setting ridiculous standards? Can she win?


All of that stuff is just a smokescreen that is meant to be pushed through. All girls test guys to see if they will back down so they can disqualify them. All you can do is send a humorous message and show interest regardless if you fall into her list. If she doesn't go for it there is nothing you can do about it. Proving how she is a hypocrite is fun, but its the truth. Girls are hypocrites on purpose. They want you to play their game, if you don't you get caught in the spiders web which you never escape from.


Think of it like this. If you are talking to a girl who says to you "you're kind of cute for a short guy" after you approach/message what do you say? If you get defensive about being short: you lose. If you say shes cute too because she said you were: you lose. People, especially girls, will purposely point out flaws or get you to do things for them just to see how you will handle it.


I could say this 1,000 times. Being short, fat, bald, poor, or ugly does not matter. It is as a man how you deal with those adversities that attracts a woman and defines your character. That is the essence of confidence.

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The whole income thing is a sticky wicket....

I used to change what my income was when I did OLD and move it around to see if it was hurting my reply rate or helping it, in the end turning it off was just as effective.


I did however never tell the truth about how much my income actually was, perhaps she is doing the same, you don;t know her but you know she drives a car that requires money, she is an RN and lists her income over 100k, so the assumption to make would be that she has other income than from nursing..


Raised a family, maybe her parents died and left her a fortune.. you have no idea as you don't know her so how can you assume she is all about money and status when she has none ?


I think in OLD people like to paint the best possible image of their scenario to increase their chances of finding someone who can fill the shoes of who they are looking for..


I don't have any degrees whatsoever othe than HS so I get the degree thing, but honestly someone looking for a PHD or the like wouldn't be someone who I would fit with so it was no biggie if they had that requirement and I didn't pass muster... oh well...

I always felt it was their loss as I'm intelligent and fairly successful with a business that has been in my family for many many years and if a person parallels a PHD with money then they have a rude awakening coming as most of the successful people I know don't have PHD's

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Tip: When an attractive, ostensibly single woman appears in front of you at an event, chat her up and ask her out. Bird in the hand and all of that. Don't worry about profiles and NSA-level background searches. Good luck.

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Tip: When an attractive, ostensibly single woman appears in front of you at an event, chat her up and ask her out. Bird in the hand and all of that. Don't worry about profiles and NSA-level background searches. Good luck.


Agree 100% here. Sometimes, you just have to get back to basics.


I found that a lot of people just kind of 'filled in the blanks' of the profiles. Checked the boxes with no real thought as to how they were going to be interpreted or perceived. TBH, I think a lot of people take a glance at pictures and make a snap decision. (I know that's a big generalization and the topic has been discussed to death here. It's just my postmortem take on the whole business)


OP, I was where you are. I messed around with two of the sites for eight years. Dropped the money on eHarmony. Joined a very expensive 'singles club' in my city (and I'm in a fairly large metro area). Had all the high hopes. It just doesn't work for everyone, and it seems you've exhausted your limited pool.


Might be time for a different approach, good luck.

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I am considering my "New approach" would be to be more forward with women. Like approaching them in public at a grocery store, or after a first meetup at an event, at the end of the event, attempt at getting their digits


Most men at events prefer to kind of let the opportunity to meet the same women at future events m ulitple times tend to do it that way, but I'm figuring nipping it in the bud even sooner.


We'll see, because I'll feel kind of out of character if I do.



Agree 100% here. Sometimes, you just have to get back to basics.


I found that a lot of people just kind of 'filled in the blanks' of the profiles. Checked the boxes with no real thought as to how they were going to be interpreted or perceived. TBH, I think a lot of people take a glance at pictures and make a snap decision. (I know that's a big generalization and the topic has been discussed to death here. It's just my postmortem take on the whole business)


OP, I was where you are. I messed around with two of the sites for eight years. Dropped the money on eHarmony. Joined a very expensive 'singles club' in my city (and I'm in a fairly large metro area). Had all the high hopes. It just doesn't work for everyone, and it seems you've exhausted your limited pool.


Might be time for a different approach, good luck.

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