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Really need help!!!

Crazy and Confused

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Crazy and Confused

Okay folks this is it. What do we do? I am adopted. Therefore there is no blood relation this is why this is so hard. My cousin and I saw eachother yesterday for the first time in 6 years. We spent the whole day together and had a great time. In the evening she made a move on me. We both enjoyed it and continued making out. Now we really wanna be together but we aren't sure if its right or what to do. We really need some advice. Please help us if you can


crazy and confused

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Legally, it's fine since you're not blood relatives. Also, biologically it's fine since, if you have children, you wouldn't have the problem with inbreeding. However, socially and within your family this is completely unacceptable. If you want your family to continue to function as a relatively happy and normal one (assuming it currently does) you would be best to forget this ever happen... imagine what your parents would say... Imagine what HER parents would say... unless you feel like totally isolateing the rest of your family, let it go.

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I have a dear friend who is one of the ten top cardiac surgeons in the United States...who is married to his first cousin. They have two children, who are fine, and they are very happy.


I have always heard that children from such a blood relationship can be affected by this but I've seen many examples where there were no problems. I take it from your post that you are NOT blood relatives...so why are you at all concerned?


If you are blood relatives, except for the possiblity of conceiving children together who may have biological abnormalities, there is nothing stopping you from having the romance of your life with your cousin.


Don't be concerned about what other people think. They don't have to live your life. If you love this lady, go for it!!! Have the romance of your life!!! That's the best advice I can give.

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with inbreeding. However, socially and within your family this is completely unacceptable. If

Actually, the US is probably one of the only countries that I've seen where many people consider it "socially unacceptable". I've heard of MANY European, African, and Asian countries where marrying blood cousins is not only socially acceptable, but it's a very common practice.


And contrary to popular belief, I learned from an anthropologist that marrying blood cousins does not cause a greater risk of disorders in their children.


Also, Charles Darwin married his first cousin.


And I was just referring to cousins that are blood relatives.


In this instance, since you two are not even related, then by all means, go for it!

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