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My worst fears came true.. she cheated

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So back in high school this crazy hot girl who had a boyfriend (who was in college) started talking to me at a party and we hit it off pretty well. From then on she texted me every day. I never liked to initiate contact because of her boyfriend, but she texted me every single day. We had so much in common and made each other laugh all the time. After a few weeks she told me she was falling for me... but at the same time she tried to make things work with her boyfriend. Her bf had heard about me and called her a two-timer and they broke up, only to get back together a few days later. They had been dating for 3 years. She was stringing me along and even wanted to hook up with me, but i didn't feel comfortable with that. I think her plan was to cheat with me but keep her boyfriend, however, because i refused to cheat with her she broke up with her boyfriend eventually.

We instantly started hanging out all the time and were together as a couple. We were falling madly in love within only a couple of months, it seemed almost too good to be true. But the day she told me she was falling for me; back when she still had a boyfriend I said something so incredibly accurate I can't believe it: "How do i know you won't do the same thing to me some day?" But i kind of forgot about that and fell for her hard. She was so attractive and I'd never been in a very serious relationship before her. We were perfect for each other and we got along so well. I made her so happy and she did the same for me, I thought to myself "I could realistically see a long future with this girl." We were together for almost a year before we had to go our separate ways for college, but we were so in love we had to stay together.

After a few weeks at college things had changed, she made me feel so unimportant. She acted like i was just some guy, not the guy she claimed to love. She would always talk about a guy friend she had. They would hang out a lot and I would see pictures of them together but she claimed they were just friends, and I trusted her. A few months went by and we saw each other a couple of weekends and things were normal. While she was telling a story involving her guy "friend" I said "yeah... after you guys hooked up" and she hesitated to respond. She to my surprise admitted that she did indeed hook up with this guy and I lost it. Maybe if she had just had a one night stand with some guy she never talked about I'd be able to get over it, but to do that with someone she always said was so cool and that she hung out with all the time just made me feel so betrayed I could not believe it. How long had they been doing this? was what i kept thinking. How can i ever trust her again? She tried to tell me that she didn't have feelings for him. We got back together only for her to tell me "I like this guy, but i love you." I dumped her and she is now dating this guy just one week later.. I feel so sorry for the last boyfriend and I cant believe i let this two-timing bitch do it again. Lesson learned: NEVER get involved with a girl who has a boyfriend

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I know i dodged a bullet.. but the love felt so real, I really cared for her and i thought she did as well. She really messed with my head... I guess its for the best, i've learned a lot

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You learned one of life's most valuable lessons early on.


You will look back on this one day [maybe a decade from now], and you will thank your lucky star that you did meet her.

I am not joking. :)

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