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Does she like me?

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The last time I made a post on this site, my fiance was dating my best friend. Well, she still is, but I really don't care anymore. I finally came to terms with all of it. Yay! So besides a few trust issues, I'm all good. Which brings me to why I'm posting on this board. I recently hooked up with my best friend's wife's best friend. I kind of knew her before it happened but not really. Anyway I really like this girl and I was excited because I felt like she must like me to if that happened. Well the next day she texted me and and we spent pretty much the whole day together. We talked and talked and talked and it felt like we had really good chemistry. She was laughing at my jokes, I was smiling, we had a lot of similar interest and experiences, we even share a birthday. It turns out she is also recently out of a relationship, a relationship that was very similar to the one I was in. It was a very unhealthy relationship she felt like she had to be in because if she wasn't the other person might do something stupid. A relationship where she was more a caretaker and a protector then a girlfriend. Similar to what I was for my fiance. Well shortly thereafter she decided she wasn't ready to be in another relationship, and that disappointed me tremendously, but at the same time I agreed because I am also still working through some stuff caused by my most recent relationship. We still talk on a daily basis, and she even invites me over to watch movies and talk. Her friends love me and my friends are her friends so they love her. She isn't uncomfortable around me even though she knows I like her and even though we hooked up, she will also talks to me about pretty much anything. I'm worried this might not go anywhere and I may miss my chance at this, and this is causing me to obsess. Fortunately I can recognize it and hide it so she has no idea. I feel like she likes me but I don't trust the feeling, and I tried to ask her best friend what she thought of me and she said basically "I think she likes you, but you two don't need to date right now" Which I agree with but still. So from a non subjective point of view, what do you all think? I'm not asking if I should move on or make a move. I guess I just want to know if I have a chance or not.

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